dc.description.abstract | Utilization of land for development and living need pushed conversion of green spaces to built up area. Therefore, it is important to plan and manage open green spaces, like: conservation area, parks,lakes, rivers, etc. One thing that should be considered in regional planning was carrying capacity. Carrying capacity from population and build up areas became the limiting as factor for development. In spite of that, regional development should refered to landscape characteristic and local potency which was connected by infrastructure. Green infrastructure was one of cily development concept to control development as a strategy for land conservation by establishment of hubs and links as boundary of development. Research to implement green infrastructure concept was carried out in Depok City. This research was aimed at identif'ying . hubs and links in Depok city as a green infrastructure network in order to find an implementation strategy. Methodologies used are: trend analysis of population and build up area, LQ, and Skalogram analysis to determine regional hierarchy; Geographic Information System analysis on aerial photograph and (hematic map; created green infrastructure network based on English Nature Greenspaces criteria. The results show that Depok has landscape typologies that can be enhanced to became Hubs and Links in green infrastructure concept, like: Town Forest, Town Park, Lakes, Rivers, Streets, areas along High Electrical Networks, areas along gas pipe, train lines, and other specific location. The green infrastructure network is about 3,609 hectares. Establishment of the green infrastructure network as conservation area is the strategy for implementatioil of the green infrastructure concept. Keywords: green infrastructure, green spaces, hub, links, network | id |