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dc.contributor.authorNurhayati, Titik
dc.contributor.authorSuptijah, Pipih
dc.contributor.authorSuhartono, Maggy Thenawidjaja
dc.contributor.authorFebrian, Irman
dc.description.abstractSeveral medicines sho\w,ing protease inhibitor mechanism are widely available in the markets. Among marine organisms, sponse is the big producer of bioactive compound, include protease inhibitor. The purpose of this research was to screen of protease inhibitor produced by sponge. Screening was be conducted using agar diffusion methods on t-n of sponge which be extracted \vith methanol and distilled water. As test bactcria were used three species of pathogenic bacteria that is Eschhcn'chia co!i. I'.~cudomo~iaase ruginosa, and Smaplylococcus aweuc. The result of research showing that sponge which be exlracted using methanol have lowv protease inhibiton activie (530%), while that which be extracted using distilled \w,ater have high protwe inhibito~?th at is extract of Jaspis slell~firaa nd extract of Pickorris nigra (2 50%). n e exlract of Jaspis srell(kra was inhibited oiprotease from Escherichia.coli and Srap/z?:lococcu aureus by minimum inhibiton concentration (MIC) 0.08%, \while that extract of Plabr~isn igra laas inhibited protease from S. aurcus by MIC 0.12%. Ethylenediarnine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) was inhibited S. aureus and E coli by MIC 0.16%. Bared on the datq can be concluded that both the extract of sponge were potential as protease inhibitor. Kejwords: Bacteria, protease inhibitor. screening, spongeid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePenapisan Inhibitor Protease Yang Diiusilkan Oleh Sponge Asal Kepulauan Seribuid

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