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dc.contributor.authorDarusman, Latifah Kosim
dc.contributor.authorKoswara, Oetit
dc.contributor.authorWiroatmodjo, J.
dc.contributor.authorArsjad, Sitanala
dc.description.abstractThis research used potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) of Cipanas variety as the experimental plant, and w& conducted at the Department of Chemistry laboratory and Pasir Sarongge Experimental Station, on June 1989 up to April 1990. The objectives were to identify stress metabolite compounds, to evaluate the stress metabolite as phytdexin compounds and to study the changes of aminoacid composition. The stress treatments were given trough different pH and volume of water supplies. Using amino acid analyzers, it was shown that there was a difference in the amino acid composition cawed by the stress treatment, but the difference was not specific. The metabolites of glicoalkaloid. through qualitative chromatographic analysis, had ban identified as U and fl chamnine, while the 01 -solanine content, through a quantitative analysis, was discovered 30 mg - 98 rng/100 g tubers. The stress metabolites of terpenoid had a maximum absortion at 250-256 nm. It was speculated to be sesquiterpene lactone having 3 double bonds or hdero atoms. Since the terpcnoid was not identified yet, the phytoalcxin can not be
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.title(Effect of water and soil pH stress on the existence of stress metabolites in potato (Solanum tuberosum

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