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dc.contributor.authorNoor, Erliza
dc.description.abstractHyaluronic Acid (HA) is a high molecular weight and linear pobsaccltaride ~c.ltich is produced commercially for a wide range of use, such as pharmaceuticals, medical and costnetic irrdustries. HA, the cementing substances in connective tissue, can be extracted from rooster comb and unrbilical cord. More recently. production of HA has been developing by microbial cultivation to increase the yield of production. The purposes of this research are isolating HA from the fermentation broth by precipitation and crossflow microfltration, also comparing these methods. Precipitation uses etanol. isopropanol and CTAB as the solvents and this research, would seek the best solvent. physical and chetttical paranreters of the process. The other method, crossjlow microfltration uses a polysugone membrane tubular with nonritral pore sue O.lpm, diameter of tube 1.5 mm. The wriables examined were transmembrane pressure. crossjlow velocity and feed concentration. The results of precipitation process exhibited that etanol and isopropt~ogl ave the optimum HA precipitate at 95 percent concentmtion with comparison I : 2 for supernatattt and solvent. The other method using crossflow microfiltmtion resulted that steady statejlux was achieved rapidly. suggestitrg that process was stable and no signifcant fbuling occured. In general, the flux increased with increasing transmembrane pressure difjhrences and crossflow velocity and decreased with increasing conce~~tratiorc$r HA. Thus, micmjZtration can be used to concentrate HA broth cultivation .id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleIsolasi Asam Hialuronat dengan Presipitasi Membran Mikrofiltrasi Crossflowid

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