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dc.contributor.authorTosida, Eneng Tita
dc.description.abstractFuzzy group decision making is one of effective tools to determine the performance appraisal strategy in employee carrier planning and development. This paper analyzes preference aggregation of decision-makers based on the following criteria: job analysis, employee competency, procedure and organization structure, as well as human resource policies. This strategy composition process is done by the Semi Numeric Fuzzy Preference, and is used for three employee levels. The results show that the performance appraisal strategy for lower management levels should be focused on payment system, whereas the upper management levels on should be focused training and education system, and for moderate management levels should be focused on payment and training system. By using the ficay approach, it is possible to develop a manual for carrier planning and development for the employees based on formal, in-formal and non-formal categories. The result of the assessment can determine the employee's carrier path through carrier promotion, mutation or rotation, training and education, or
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSistem Intelijen untuk Strategi Penilaian Prestasi Kerja dalam Rangka Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karis Karyawan (Studi Kasus di PT Binae Kayone Lestari, Tasikmalaya)id

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