Analysis of Wheel Tractor Power in Tillage Processes in Uplalid Clay Soil
This study is aimed to identify theparameters which influence the draft of plowing in high clay soil lrsi~zg nloldboard plolv and to predict the mathematical relarion of tillage processes e11rp1lisizin.p on the relnriotl between soil draJ and rile type of plow, method of operation of the il~rpletrlella~n cl lllecllnrlical properties of soil based on ditnension analysis. I[ ivns foctrld fr-oln nznny stutlies tllat rile ctse of wheel tractor in riilage processes ir* c~pl(itzd( !ciy soil Ilcid beer1 performing far beyolld its actual pulling capocity. Tlzere is n need for (1 kr~o\vlrdge of rillage processes so as to allow costs and resulrs of tillage rreattnerzt to be preclicred ,II n sinzple nnd efficient way.