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dc.contributor.authorSeminar, Kudang Boro
dc.contributor.authorSuhardiyanto, Herry
dc.description.abstractComputer-based control systems for greenhouse (i.e., crop producrion house) has been developedfor many years. However, rhese control sysrem provides a limited or no choices of control preferences such as control methods and controlled parmters. For some reasons, a user may need only to control indoor temperature and humidity using PID control method; bur in another situation the user may need only to control indoor temperamre and light intensiry using fuzzy controI method or genetic-algorithm method. This paper describes the proposed supervisory control system for greenhouse that provides a much greater flexibilio for selecting control preferences. Given a (a set of alternative control methods) and B (a set of alremative pammelcrs relevant to greenhouse environment), the proposed supervisory sysrem allows a user to select a certain control methodkom a to manipulate a subset of controlledparametersfiom p. Thus the system receives input as a tuple pair (A, BJ where A E a and B _cBfrom rhe user toperform its control task for a greenhouse operation. The implementaiion issues of the system prototype are discussed and future recommendation is a&
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleA Supervisory Control System For Greenhouseid

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