Adaptasi biologis itik jantan muda lokal terhadap ransum berkadar dedak padi tinggi

Iskandar, Sofjan
Nugraha, Vanvan S.
Suci, Dwi M.
Setioko, A.R.
Show full item recordAbstract
A study on biological adaptability of young-male local-ducks was carried out on 12 farmers in Patarukan, Taman, Ulujlmi and Ampclgading sub-districts of Pemalang DisMct, Central Jawa. Each f m e r raised BO Mojosari ducklings up to 10 wecks of age. Experimental rations were a mixture of ca~nmercial ration (cr) of broiler type and local rice bran (rbJ. The rations were BOc~20rb (Rl), 64m.40rb (R2), 40cr.60rb (R3) and ~ o Era~tioIn (80rk2Otrash-fish, R4). Thc dt~klingsw ere confined and fed with ration in paste fonn. Bodyweight was measured individually and feed consumption was measured for a group of ducklings, from hvo to 10 wecks of age. By 10 weeks of age, 10 ducklings of each group were slaughtered far carcass and digestive organs measurement. Ducklings given R4 consumed ration 75W ?/bird& we,cks, which was almost double of the consumption of ducks on R1 (4375 @ird/8 weeks), whilst birds on R2 and R3 consumcd 4750 & i r e weeks and 55W g/bird/8 weeks, respectively. Bodyweight gain of R4ducks was slightly higher, but statistically insignificant (1138 g/bird) than R1-ducks 11037 elbird). RZ-ducks (1W dbird) and R3-ducks 11155 eibirdl. Feed conversion ~ - .. ratio of ducklings on R4 was very (6.<9) compared to R1 (4.22))k. 2 (4.g3) and R3 ducks (4.76). R4 duck's intestine weight increased by 1.48 folds of other ducks, the dzzard increased by 1.24 folds and liver by 1.47-folds. ow ever, Carcass parts (whole carcass, breast, thighs and wings) did not significantly differ among the rations. In terms of economic measurement (based on local price), R4 gave margin a€ Rp. W,-/bird, which was higher then R1 (Rp. 1063,- /bird), R2 (Rp. 1850,-/bird) and R3 (Rp. 2450,-/ bird).