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dc.contributor.authorAini, Nurul
dc.contributor.authorSuwanto, Antonius
dc.description.abstract7'11~R hoclohacrer sphaeroides IrenrA and IzernT arc known to cllcodc a distinct 5-;~ri~inolcvuli~iic acid (ALA)-syntliase isozymc. This enzyme catalyzes the lirst and rate limiting stcp in ALA biosyn(hesis through tlle C1 pathway. Tliis study was carried out lo detect IremA-like and IiernT-likc genes in twenty Anoxygenic I'llotosy~itltctic Ilactcrial (Al'll) isolates frotn several wctl;~rid arc:ls it1 Indo~iesia. and four DNA sa~iil)lcst llat wcrc isolatcd lio111 lbur soil sut~~plcosb t:~iricd ti0111 Uogor area. llyhridization tcclir~iqucso f Soulhem and dot blot wcre used, using hen~Aa nd hemT fragmenl as probes. Southern hybridization analyses indicated the presence of hemA-like gene in live of APB isolates, i.e., M131S. MR16. MB21.2. MBSS and MR6, wvl~ereas hemT-like gene was detected only in MB1.5. Dot blot hybridization a~~alyscssu ggcstcd that the soil sanlples from waterlogged paddy-ficld. dry paddy-field as well as a mud pond wcre eredominantly occupied by prokaryolic organisms srliich harboured liemA-like gene. Ilowevcr, hemT-likc sequences wcre also found in soil sample from dry paddy-tield. Key words: hemA-like gene I hemT-like gene / Soulllern hybridization analysis I dot blot hybridization
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePresence of hemA-like and hem T-Like Genes in a Number of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacterial Isolates From Indonesia and Soil Samples from Bogor Areaid

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