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dc.contributor.authorEstuningsih, S.
dc.contributor.authorRetnani, E.B.
dc.contributor.authorEsfandiari A.
dc.description.abstractPathological aspects of abomasum, intestine, liver, spleen, heart , bone marrow and lymphnode caused by H. contortus were examined. Twelve bucks. six to eight month of ages were divided into 4 groups. which were infected by 0 (DO). 200 (D200). 400 (D400). and 600 (D600) h r d stage larvae of H. contortus. Larvae was administered orally 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Patological aspects including macro and microscopic findings were studied for enteritis, abomasitis, extramedullary haemopoietic centre forming, germinal centre activity of spleen and lymphnode and activity of bone
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleGambaran Patologi Beberapa Organ Tubuh Kambing Jantan Akibat Infeksi Haemonchus Contortus (Rudolphi, 1803)id

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