Konfirmasi Keberadaan Cacing Dirofilaria Immitis Pada Anjing Berdasarkan Tanda-Tanda Klinik

Iskandar, Herryanto
Karmil, Teuku Fadrial
Widodo, Setyo
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Veterinary Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Institut Pertanian Rogor were examined for suspected clinical signs of heartworm Dirofil~rrrtr inlnzitis infection, tested ~ l i t h VetRed' IIAilll 'l'cst and confirmed by Modified Knott's 'l'est. Results showed that 30 dogs (1 7.1 0 %) were suspected lor both tests. Sixteen suspected dogs (53.33 %) were infected and 14 dogs (46.67 %) were not infected by Di~~?filaria inlnzitis. Of infected dogs, six dogs were positive or microfilaremic and 10 dogs negative or amicrofilaremic. The sensitivity of VetRedU IiAIHI Test for the heart\vorm infection is 100 %. Key words : Dirofil~~riiatn miti.~,V etRedU I IAII-ll Test, Modified Knott's Test, Dogs