Imunoglobulin Ayam sebagai Antibodi Anti-idiotipe terhadap Rabies

Paryati, Sayu Putu Yuni
Wibawan, I Wayan Teguh
Soejoedono, Retno Damayanti
Pasaribu, Fachriyan Hasmi
Show full item recordAbstract
In this study, horse antiserum containing antibody to rabies virus, referred to as the first antibody (Abl), was used as an antigen to immunize layer chickens for the production of anti-idotypic antibody (IgY ). Chicken sera containing antibody (IgY) to Abl, referred to as the second antibody (Ab2), were collected week1 y for 10 weeks from chicken blood. The highest titer of Ab2 was obtained at the third and forth weeks following the last immunization. The Ab2 was initially purified by precipitation using GO%, and 50% ammonium sulfate and dialysis against phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH. 8.0 for 24 hours at 2-WC. Then, th~A!b 2 was further purified by affinity chromatography using bead specific to chicken IgY and this resulted in antibody molecules of 185,000,95,000 and 49,000 daltons. Six New Zealand White rabbits divided into two group were then used for immunization experiments. In this immunization experiment, three rabbits were immunized with purified Ab2 and three others were not immunized and used as negative controls. Rabbit sera were collected and examined by agar gel precipitation Test for the presence of anti-rabies antibody, which was then referred to as the third antibody (Ab3). The Ab3 obtained from rabbit recognized both Ab2 and rabies virus. It is likely therefore that anti-idiotypic antibody against rabies virus can be used as an antigen to induce antibody against rabies virus. Key words: chicken immunoglobulins (IgY), anti-idiotype antibodies, rabies, AGPT