Penggunaan Ekstrak Tempe Terhadap Fungsi Hati Tikus Dalam Hondisi Stres

Suarsana, I Nyoman
Susari, Ni Nyoman Werdi
Wresdiyati, Tutik
Suprayogi, Agik
Show full item recordAbstract
A study to determine the anti-oxidant activities of bioactive component of Tempe in rat under stress condition was carried out. The aim of this study was to known effect of extract tempe the SGPT and SGOT levels on the liver function rat under stress condition. Firstly, the concentration of phenol compound of Tempe were determined. Then, their anti-oxidant activities were determined in vitro by thyosinate method. Finally, the effect of tempe extract on the liver function rat under stress condition was determined by examining the SGPT and SGOT level in serum. A total of sixty Spraque dawly rats were used in this studi. They were divided inta six groups; I (control group); TI (stres group); while 111-VI treated by stress and extract tempe doses 20,40,60, and 80 mgkg BW/day, respectively. Stress condition was induced by fasting for 5 days and swimming for 5 minutedday and drinking water was provided ad libitum. The result showed that the phenol concentrations of tempe was 0.142 mglml. Its anti-oxidant activities in vitro was also high but was lower than tocoferol. Rat under stress condition for 5 days shcwed a significantly (P<0,05h)i gher level of SGOT and SGPT (240.00 * 35,50 and 171,80 i 36,081 than those without stress condition (184,80 * 23,42 and 97,20 * 21,231. The rat treated with extract tempe after fasting stress showed decrease SGOT and SGPT level. The decrease was significant in the rat treated with dose 80 mg per M y weight that SGOT and SGPT level 190,20 i 23,81 and 117,60 * 21,93, respectively was significantly (P<0,05)lo wer than dose 0 (240,OO i 35,50 and 171,80 * 36,081 Key words: Tempe, Stres, Enzyme SGOT, SGPT, Antioxidan.