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dc.contributor.authorArifin, Hadi Susilo
dc.description.abstract"Sampoerna Hijau Kotaku Hijau" is a corrlmunity participatory based prc)gram toward green city. It is a corn~nitmeilt of colporate socia! responsibilty of PT Hbl Sampoerna Tbk in comrnuriity i i empowennent on green-cleal-beautification of the city. This program was released in 2004 from F Semarmg City, tI1en spread out to other cities, i.e Iogja, Madiun, Tegal, PekaIongan, Pamekasan, I Proboling~oM~ alang, Jambi, Denpasar, Kerawang, Bandung, etc. Further more, "Sampoerna 1 Hijau Kotaku Hijau" is a program which respond to global warming issues, enviro~~mental 3 degradation atid natural dissaster, such as flooding on rain season and drought on dry season, and 1 degradation of biodiversity. Through Green City " Kotaku Hijzu" competition, which is consisted the implementation of "taman lingkungan" (Community Park), "hijau lingkungan" (Green Environment), and "bersih lingkungan" (Clean Environment), this program is a ~nedium for ! disemjnatian directly to the community to be awared in "gotong royong" working together for 1 green, clean and the aesthetic of the community environment. Mass media publication by pers . conferences, hotding seminars, workshops and award night is some effon to socialize the program, to spread out the "green virus", from one neighborh~od, to other communities, viilage, i I sub district, tit;. until1 regional/nationa! leveI. From these program experiences, some interesting I fillding were kncwn as local wisdom, community spirit, young generation awareness, mcrit and 1
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleCommunity Participatory Based Toward Green City: Practice Learning From "Kotaku Hijau" (Green City) Competitionid

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