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dc.contributor.authorMunandar, Jono M.
dc.contributor.authorMaarif, Mohamad Syamsul
dc.contributor.authorParmy, Driffaroza
dc.description.abstractHmon resources development is onc of the important asput in mcmagetnent process of manufacture oqanJzatjon activity, especially profit oriented w p n i z a t h . Ekre of many factors in h n rcsmrces development is job pnjomwncc opruirol. The mitt pwpose of this rrssarch k to omlyzr factors related to j ob pcr/onn~mea ppraisal, and to a ~ l y s e the job performance appraisal in human resources development policy. The data war *thered by using suney method (gu~stion~lrac)d direct hteniew. Afterward, It was analyzed by using dcscript ive and Spearman's correlation analysis. The qurstknnaires were spread to I I1 respondents. which were divided into two categories: first level murrcrgemcnt, and middle-top management. As a result, In the first lrvel management. p e r f m n c e opproiral was significantly correlatd with appraiser attitude, employee attitude, bias appraisal, job description, ocknowfedge of work achievement, whereas in the middle-top mrrnasmnent, it was riot sisnificantly carretatrd with acknowledgement of work mchicvernent. On the contrary, in / h t level and middle-top management, performme appratsul was not significently cqlrelatd with opennrss between appraiser and employee. Further findinfs show ttmt in the first levd mcrnujement, perfmnce appraisal was signlficontfy related with the identification of trainins need and career promotion. However, perfommncr uppmlsal war not significantly rebtcd with
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agriculture University)
dc.titleFaktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan dalam Penentuan Kebijakan Sumberdaya Manusia (Studi Kasus di PT. UNITEX Bogor)id

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