Produksi Angkak oleh Monascus purpures dalam Medium Limbah Cair Tapioka, Ampas Tapioka dan Ampas Tahu

Jeniel, Betty Sri Laksmi
Rahayu, Winiati Pudji
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M. vurgurms in tapioca liquid waste medium consisted of2 % tapioca and 0.15% ammonium nitrate produced the highest nd pigment intensity (500 nm) eithfor tatmaUular or intraallular pigments. The intensity of the intraallular pigment produccd was h i g h than the utnaaUular pigment. Addition of tapioca solid waste into the medium inmused the intensity of the intraoellular pigment (11.79) mmpan to the addition of &flour (8.53). Utilization of2 % tofu solid waste as nitsounx resulted in Lnw intraoeUular pigment intensity (8.24) than ammonium nitrate (12.08). The optimum pigment pmduction nnas acJlW after 12 &zys f m t a t i m . The nd pfgment wasfirst dcrected in the medium on the third day of ff;irnnortation wJlcn the dricd all mass nadtcd matimum. The intensity of the pigment continue to rise during ptvlongcd fmncntation whik the Mtd ceU mass began to dcmase. Thc stad content dccrwcrl during fmenktion and the sugar content wasjrst inmasef or 5 days and then decmsc. 771s~o lubility 4 the red pigment in water was a$cacd by the ca&on and nit* sounxs used in the medium. Tapim solid waste and ammonium nitrate as wll as water temperature at 80.C increased the pigment solubility.
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