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dc.contributor.authorSeptiani, Aisyah Tri
dc.contributor.authorMuctadi, Deddy
dc.contributor.authorZakaria, Fransisca Rungkat
dc.description.abstractAnfWanf &My of v&s gnger extracts are differenf. 73e trims of this work are to &ennine the antioxidant a c t w of gngp exfreds an /i& acid 73e mfhidmt acMes were tested on Endeic acid supplemented wrlh water and dichhethme extract of gnger. 73e sntioxidtr?l acM& was tested by measwing m&mhMk absudme. Totd phend and imn canted of the exfracts were m+ed by spectmefiy. This mresecvd, showed thai dioxidcuf aclivify of water and dichhmmethane extract of ginger was stronger than a-tocophed, mi mtbxidant edivily of ~~ extrzld is s h p r than water extract of gnger. Antiaxidant act* of gingrer extracts, seems to be cm?/ated with the tofel pimml and imn
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAktivitas antioksidan ekstrak dikhlorometana dan air jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) pada asam linoleatid

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