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Body Temperature, Heart and Respiratory Rate of Dairy Cow After Escherichia coli Vaccination During Dry Period.

dc.contributor.advisorWulansari, Retno
dc.contributor.advisorEsfandiari, Anita
dc.contributor.authorNofita, An Nisaa
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati status kesehatan induk sapi Friesian Holstein (FH) bunting yang divaksin dengan vaksin Escherichia coli polivalen melalui pengamatan terhadap temperatur tubuh, frekuensi jantung dan frekuensi nafas. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 ekor sapi FH betina periode kering kandang yang diberi vaksin E. coli secara intra muskular sebanyak 3 kali pada 8, 6, dan 4 minggu sebelum perkiraan partus. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 3 hari sebelum dan 3 hari sesudah vaksinasi pertama, kedua, dan ketiga. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa bila dibandingkan dengan nilai pada hari ke-0 vaksinasi, temperatur tubuh sapi 1 dan sapi 2 sehari setelah vaksinasi pertama meningkat 1.8% dan 0.5%. Frekuensi jantung sapi 1 dan sapi 2 mengalami peningkatan 26.3% dan 21.7%. Frekuensi nafas sapi 1 dan sapi 2 mengalami peningkatan 44.4% dan 23.1%. Setelah vaksinasi kedua temperatur sapi 1 mengalami penurunan 2.1% dan temperatur sapi 2 menurun 0.3%. Frekuensi jantung sapi 1 dan sapi 2 sama seperti hari ke-0 vaksinasi kedua. Frekuensi nafas sapi 1 mengalami penurunan 20% dan sapi 2 mengalami peningkatan 14.3%. Sementara setelah vaksinasi ketiga temperatur sapi 1 sama seperti hari ke-0 vaksinasi ketiga dan sapi 2 menurun 2.1%. Frekuensi jantung sapi 1 dan sapi 2 menurun 5.6% dan 11.5%. Frekuensi nafas sapi 1 dan sapi 2 mengalami penurunan 11.1% dan 10%. Dari hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian vaksin E. coli pada induk sapi FH pada periode kering kandang tidak mempengaruhi status kesehatan induk sapi bunting. Vaksinasi meningkatkan temperatur tubuh, frekuensi jantung, dan frekuensi nafas sapi 1 dan sapi 2 sehari setelah vaksinasi pertama, namun demikian peningkatan yang terjadi masih dalam kisaran normal. Sementara temperatur tubuh, frekuensi jantung, dan frekuensi nafas setelah vaksinasi kedua dan ketiga relatif stabil.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this experiment was to study the health performance of pregnant holstein cow after administration of Escherichia coli inactive vaccine. Two holstein cow in dry period were used in this experiment. Vaccinations through intramuscular route were given 3 times at 8, 6, and 4 weeks before parturition. Status health were monitored during 3 days before and after the first, second, and third vaccination, respectively. The result showed that one day after the first vaccination, temperature of cow no. 1 and cow no.2 increased 1.8% and 0.5%, respectively. The heart rate increased 26.3% and 21.7% in cow no. 1 and cow no.2, respectively. While, respiration rate of cow no. 1 increased 44.4% and cow no. 2 increased 23.1%. After second vaccination, temperature of cow no. 1 and cow no.2 decreased 2.1% and 0.3%, respectively. Heart rate was the same wether 0 day vaccination in cow no. 1 and cow no. 2. While, respiration rate of cow no. 1 decreased 20% and cow no. 2 increased 14.3%. After third vaccination, temperature of cow no.1 was the same wether 0 day vaccination, and cow no.2 decreased 2.1%. Heart rate decreased 5.6% and 11.5% in cow no.1 and cow no.2, respectively. Respiration rate of cow no. 1 decreased 11.1% and cow no. 2 decreased 10%. In conclusion, the administration of E.coli vaccine during dry period did not effect the health status. The administration of E.coli vaccine increased the body temperature, heart and respiration rate a day after vaccination, however were still in the normal range. On the other hand, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate in second and third vaccination remain stabile.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleTemperatur Tubuh, Frekuensi Jantung dan Frekuensi Nafas Induk Sapi Perah yang Divaksin dengan Vaksin Escherichia coli Pada Periode Kering Kandangid
dc.titleBody Temperature, Heart and Respiratory Rate of Dairy Cow After Escherichia coli Vaccination During Dry Period.

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