Family and Consumer Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 201
Strategi Distribusi"reviewer"
(2015-01) -
Behavior of Reading Nutrition Fact Label on Undergraduate Students of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
(2014-11-10)Nutrition fact label was a label containing information on nutrition amount in food product that became a very important media to transfer information on characteristics of a food product. The purpose of this writing was ... -
Modelling Consumer Empowerment Level
(2013-10)This study aimed to analyze the effect of socioeconomic characteristics, consumer reference group, and the intensity of having consumer education on consumer empowerment among the residents of urban and rural area in Bogor. ... -
Comparison of Power Influence Factors Shaping Loyalty Indonesian Domestic Airlines
(2015)Passenger perception of the quality of airline service LFA lower than the FSA for airline passengers pay the ticket realized with relatively cheaper rates. This study airned to analyze the differences in causality between ... -
Pengaruh Persepsi dan Preferensi Konsumen terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Hunian Green Product
(2015-04)The purposes of this study are: 7) to identify foctors that influence consumer perceptions on green product purchase decisions; 2) to identify factors affecting consumer preferences of green product purchose decision; 3) ... -
Gender Division of Labor in Agroforestry Activities Within Households: a Case of Wonogiri - Central Java - Indonesia
(2015-08-26)This chapter provides a brief description on the gender division of labor iu agroforestry activities within households. The introduction describes the underlying background of gender roles in agroforestry activities. In ... -
Perkembangan Anak dan Kasus-Kasusnya
(2015-08-11) -
Peranan Keluarga Dalam Pelindungan Anak
(2015-08-10) -
Nilai anak dan perilaku investasi orangtua terhadap anak usia prasekolah di Desa dan Kota
(2014)MARDIANA. Nilai Anak dan Perilaku Investasi Orangtua terhadap Anak Usia Prasekolah di Desa dan Kota. Dibimbing oleh HARTOYO. Pengembangan kualitas SDM ditentukan oleh kualitas anak sebagai sumber investasi masa depan. ... -
Pengaruh harapan orangtua, motivasi intrinsik, dan strategi pengaturan diri dalam belajar terhadap prestasi akademik siswa smp
(2014)LENI NOVITA. Pengaruh Harapan Orangtua, Motivasi Intrinsik, dan Strategi Pengaturan Diri dalam Belajar terhadap Prestasi Akademik Siswa SMP. Dibimbing oleh MELLY LATIFAH. Penelitian mengenai prestasi akademik sudah ... -
Modal sosial, strategi koping ekonomi, dan kesejahteraan objektif keluarga dengan perempuan sebagai kepala keluarga
(2014)HURRIYYATUN KABBARO. Modal Sosial, Strategi Koping Ekonomi, dan Kesejahteraan Objektif Keluarga dengan Perempuan sebagai Kepala Keluarga. Dibimbing oleh HARTOYO dan LILIK NOOR YULIATI. Jumlah perempuan kepala keluarga ...