Isolation and identification of bacterial composition of composting process
The research was aimed to identify species and characteristic of bacteria that live in Galuga waste dump site, and to compare hot composting (closed bin) and cold composting (ventilated bin). 7 bacterial genus (Lysteria, Neisseria, Kurthia, Rothia, Acinetobacter, Streptobacillus and Streptococcus) were able to be purified from Galuga waste dump site. Gram positive bacteria are Lysteria, Kurthia, Rothia. and Streptococcus. Gram negative bacteria are Neisseria, Acinetobacter, and Streptobacillus. Among 7 isolated bacteria Lysteria, Neissena, Kurthia, Rothia, Acinetobacter, and Streptobacillus belong to mesophilic bacteria. Meanwhile, Streptococcus is thermophilic bacteria. Composting in closed bin (hot composting) indicated better result than composting in ventilated bin (cold composting). For better composting process, material composting should not only leaves but also other organic materials.