The behavioral study of community to discard trash and management institutions in Bogor City
Trash or domestic waste are important to be managed in order not to cause negative impacts. Unfortunately, people's awareness to discard trash is low relatively. It showed that many households discard the trash into rivers and actually the actions are influenced some aspects. This study is important to be done to know some factors that influential to household decisions to discard trash and to know willingness to pay of households to manage the trash in order not to discard the trash into the rivers anymore. The collected data both primary and secundary analyzed by descriptive statistics and inference statistics. Proccesing data is by using a program Minitab 13 For Windows. Result of this study shown that (1) The institution of trash management could be. seen two aspects, namely institutiona on the community level and institution-policy on goverment level. The impacts of behavior change are related to river environmental performance (2) The factors influential to people behavior are household income, the distance between house and river and sufficiency trash facilities. Willingness to pay of households for managing trash in order not to discard trash to the river are lower because of influencial factors, namely amount of running trash payment and household income. Finally, the output of this study will take form as a management analysis that will inform to community, firms and government