Browsing IPB's Books by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 3213
A conceptual framework for developing a deep web service
(2010)Today, many agricultural organizations have developed Web databases or deep Web’ to publish their observation data. However, the availability of deep Web alone limits any agricultural applications to automatically perform. ... -
A Framework of intelligent decision support systems for agro-industrial and agribusiness supply chain management
(2010)-The implementation of supply chain management in Agribusiness and agro-industry has a significant difference in terms of stochastic and dynamic behavior as a result of some factors such as (1) perishable characteristics ... -
A geographic information systems-based decision support system for solid waste recovery and utilization in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Philippines
(2010)A Decision Support System (DSS) was developed to analyze and simulate the solid waste flow of Tuguegarao City using Geographic Information Systems and Stella modeling software. It was parameterized using data and information ... -
A hidden markov model for starfruit sugariness recognition
(2010)Starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola L) is one of agroproducts which is useful for many people. The fruit looks like a star when it is sliced athwartly. In post-harvest, one of the most important treatment is to classify the ... -
A Multi-Approach Intervention to Empower Posyandu Nutrition Program to Combat Malnutrition Problem in Rural Areas
(2014)Posyandu is a community-based health effort which is from the community, managed and held by the community, and intended for the community in carrying out the health development to empower the community and to provide ... -
A Neural Network Architecture for Statistical Downscaling Technique : A Case Study in Indramayu District
(2010)This research is focused on the development of statistical downscaling model using neural network technique to predict SOND rainfall in Indramayu. SST and rainfall data from multimodel ensemble outputs (derived from 18 ... -
A Preliminary Assessment Of Peat Degradation In West Kalimantan
(2009)-%Anon of tropical peat is a global concern due to haze pollution, carbon emissions to -&rre and seas, and the loss of biodiversity. The degradation of tropical peat usually mzm r-hen the government clears closed peat ... -
A Study of Morphometric-Phenotipic Characteristic of Indonesian Chicken: Kampong, Sentul and Wareng-Tangerang, Based on Discriminant Analysis, Wald-Anderson Criteria and Mahalanobis Minimum Distance
(2009)An observation of linear body sizes was conducted in this study; this includes femur length (X1), tibia length (X2), shank length (X3), shank circle or circumference (X4), the third finger length (X5), wing length (X6), ... -
A Study on Sustainability of Small Holder Dairy Farming on Agroforestry System
(2014)Dairy farming practice is one of the empowerment agriculture sectors in Indonesia, due to Labor and nutrition fact on milk. The fastest dairy farming development found in Java island, where is the most populated island in ... -
Absorption of Ca, K, Mg, and Na in corn on the ombregeneus peat as affected by volcanic ash and flying ash
(2009)A pot experiment was conducted to investigate effect of volcanic ash and flying ash application on absorption of Ca, K, Mg and Na by corn hybrid C-I on the ombrogenous peat (pH* 3.36, Alexch 0.697 me% and H-exch 52.116 ... -
Accelerated chamois leather tanning process using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent
(2011)Abstract. Leather tanning is a process of modifying the structure of collagen fibres, so animal skin or hide that decays easily is transformed into leather, which is durable and stable to the environmental influences as ... -
Accelerated Chamois Leather Tanning Process Using Hydrogen Peroxide as an Oxidizing Agent
(2011)Leather tanning is a process of modifying the structure of collagen fibres, so animal skin or hide that decays easily i trans formed into leather, which is durable and stable to the environmental influences as well as has ... -
The ACE algorithm for optimal transformations in multiple
(2008)We employed the Alternating Conditional Expectations (ACE) technique (Breiman & Friedman, 1985) to relax the assumption of model linearity. By generating non-restrictive transformations for both the dependent and independent ... -
Acrosome Status of Ram Spermatozoa after Storage in Epididymis at 4 oc
(2014)The epididymis is an organ in which maturing spermatozoa are stored. The recovery of the epididymal spermatozoa from dead animals and their cryopreservation are useful tool to rescue genetic material that otherwise would ... -
Adaptasi pertumbuhan dan kandungan flavonoid daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC) asal kultur in vitro pada intensitas cahaya rendah
(2007-08)Daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC) telah digunakan sebagai obat anti kanker oleh masyarakat Indonesia, karena mengandung bahan bioaktif khususnya senyawa golongan flavonoid. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan flavonoid daun ... -
Adsorpsi karbon aktif termodifikasi-zink klorida terhadap surfaktan anionik pada berbagai pH
(2006)Karbon aktif dari tempurung kelapa yang diaktivasi dengan ZnCl2 5% dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengadsorpsi bahan pencemar. Faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi adsorpsi ialah kadar air, abu, zat mudah menguap, dan karbon ... -
Adsorpsi Zn(II) dan Cd(II) pada hibrid amino-silika dari abu sekam padi
(2006)amino-silika (HAS) yang disintesis dari abu sekam padi (ASP) melalui proses sol-gel. Pertama, dibuat larutan natrium silikat (Na2SiO3) dari ASP. Sekam diabukan pada suhu 700 °C selama 4 jam. Abu sekam kemudian dilebur ...