Penurunan Kadar COD, BOD, dan NH3 pada Air Limbah Domestik Selama Proses Seeding dan Aklimatisasi di PT IKPP
The research was conducted to treat PT IKPP's domestic wastewater, which exceeds quality standards through seeding and acclimatization processes using microorganisms. The aim is to analyze the reduction in parameters listed in Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016 and the effectiveness of wastewater and create SOPs for carrying out the processing process at the sewage treatment plant. The method used is primary data obtained directly from the field through sampling at the sewage treatment plant and testing in the laboratory. The research showed a decrease in COD, BOD, and NH3 levels at the outlet by 20.67, 11.87, and 7.29 mg/L, respectively. COD and BOD values are very effective at 86%, and NH3 at 71%; the results show that wastewater meets quality standards, so it is safe to recycle. The research results that have been carried out are the creation of SOPs to reduce the risk of errors in management at the sewage treatment plant.
- Diploma Programme [81]