dc.contributor.advisor | Soewondo, Panca Dewi Manu Hara Karti | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Abdullah, Luki | |
dc.contributor.author | Iftikhar, Nazla | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-02-04T08:25:39Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-02-04T08:25:39Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2025 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/161254 | |
dc.description.abstract | Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi karakteristik agronomis dan produksi Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1 berbeda taraf pupuk organik dan mineral boron. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan pola 5 x 5 dan empat kelompok sebagai ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah variasi pupuk kandang yaitu P0 = Tanpa pemupukan, P1 = pupuk kandang sapi 4 ton ha-1 + pupuk kandang ayam 6 ton ha-1, P2 = pupuk kandang sapi 5 ton ha-1 +pupuk kandang ayam 5 ton ha-1, P3 = pupuk kandang sapi 10 ton ha-1, P4 = pupuk kandang ayam 10 ton ha-1. Faktor kedua adalah pupuk daun asam borat yaitu B0 = Tanpa penambahan asam borat, B1 = asam borat 5 ppm, B2 = asam borat 10 ppm, B3 = asam borat 15 ppm, B4 = asam borat 20 ppm. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi vertikal, jumlah daun, diameter batang, kandungan gula batang, produksi biji, produksi jerami, dan kandungan nutrien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi (p<0,05) antara pupuk kandang dengan pupuk asam borat terhadap kandungan gula batang, panjang malai, berat biji pipil, berat 1000 biji, jumlah biji, produksi biji kering, produksi jerami segar dan kering. Pemberian pupuk organik menghasilkan tinggi vertikal tanaman dan jumlah daun yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Kombinasi 4 ton ha-1 pupuk kandang sapi dan 6 ton ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam menghasilkan tinggi vertikal tanaman dan jumlah daun terbaik. Kombinasi pemberian 4 ton ha-1 pupuk kandang sapi dan 6 ton ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam dengan dosis 20 ppm asam borat (H3BO4) menghasilkan diameter batang, kandungan gula batang, produksi biji kering, dan produksi jerami terbaik. Berdasarkan karakteristik agronomis dan produksi Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1 bahwa perlakuan kombinasi 4 ton ha-1 pupuk kandang sapi dan 6 ton ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam dengan dosis 20 ppm asam borat (H3BO4) merupakan perlakuan terbaik. | |
dc.description.abstract | This study aimed to evaluated the agronomic characteristics and productivity of Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1 with different levels of organic and boron fertilization. The research design in this study was RDB factorial with a 5 x 5 pattern and four replicates. The first factor was manure variation, consisting of P0 = No fertilization; P1 = cow manure 4 ton ha-1 + chicken manure 6 ton ha-1, P2 = cow manure 5 ton ha-1 + chicken manure 5 ton ha-1, P3 = cow manure 10 ton ha-1, P4 = chicken manure 10 ton ha-1. The second factor was boric acid fertilize, cosisting of B0 = No boric acid addition, B1 = boric acid 5 ppm, B2 = boric acid 10 ppm, B3 = boric acid 15 ppm, B4 = boric acid 20 ppm. The variables measured included plant’s vertical height, number of leaves, stem’s diameter and sugar content, seed production, forage production, and nutrient content. The results showed an interaction (p<0,05) between the types of levels of manure and boric acid fertilization on stem’s sugar content, the panicle’s length, seed dry weight per panicle, 1000 seeds weight, number of seed, dry seed production, fresh and dry straw’s production. This research concludes that the application of organic fertilizers increased the plant’s vertical height, number of leaves compared to the control. The combination of 4 ton ha-1 cow manure and 6 ton ha-1 chicken manure
is the best treatment in increasing the plant’s vertical height and number of leaves. The combination of 4 ton ha-1 cow manure and 6 ton ha-1 chicken manure with a dose of 20 ppm boric acid is the best treatment in increasing stem’s sugar content, seed production, and forage production of Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1. Based on the agronomic characteristics and production of Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1, the combination of 4 ton ha-1 cow manure and 6 ton ha-1 chicken manure with a dose of 20 ppm boric acid was the most effective. | |
dc.description.sponsorship | | |
dc.language.iso | id | |
dc.publisher | IPB University | id |
dc.title | Karakteristik Agronomi dan Produksi Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1 dengan Berbeda Taraf Pupuk Organik dan Mineral Boron. | id |
dc.title.alternative | Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Sorghum bicolor var. Samurai 1 with Different Levels of Organic and Boron Fertilization. | |
dc.type | Tesis | |
dc.subject.keyword | Boron | id |
dc.subject.keyword | pemupukan | id |
dc.subject.keyword | sorgum | id |
dc.subject.keyword | produksi | id |
dc.subject.keyword | agronomi | id |