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dc.contributor.advisorWahjunie, Enni Dwi
dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Yayat
dc.contributor.authorVALDI, MUHAMMAD IVANO
dc.description.abstractAnalisis ketersediaan air menjadi sangat penting bagi kota-kota yang berkembang pesat. Ketersediaan air bersih menjadi kunci untuk mendukung kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat dan kegiatan ekonomi, pertumbuhan populasi dan ekspansi urbanisasi di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi ketersediaan air baku Pos Duga Air (PDA) Serpong terhadap kapasitas Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA) Serpong dan kebutuhan air wilayah layanannya (Kecamatan Serpong dan Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Selatan). Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis ketersediaan air, analisis kebutuhan air, dan analisis kecukupan air. Ketersediaan air dianalisis melalui debit andalan dengan probabilitas 90% dari PDA Serpong. Kebutuhan air dilakukan dengan memproyeksikan pertumbuhan penduduk menggunakan metode geometri, kemudian diprediksikan sesuai standar kebutuhan air bersih. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan air maupun kapasitas IPA Serpong masih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air wilayah layanan hingga tahun 2040. Namun, kapasitas IPA tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air pada tahun 2045. Ketersediaan air baku dari PDA Serpong diasumsikan konstan dengan nilai 1.851.169.684 m3/tahun. Kebutuhan air pada tahun 2045 sebesar 111.685.580 m3/tahun, 118% dari kapasitas IPA.
dc.description.abstractWater availability analysis has become very important for rapidly growing cities. The availability of clean water is key to supporting people's daily lives and economic activities, population growth and future urbanization expansion. This study aims to analyze the potential availability of raw water from the Serpong Water Post against the capacity of the Serpong Water Treatment Plant and the water needs of its service area (Serpong and North Serpong Districts, South Tangerang City). The methods used are water availability analysis, water demand analysis, and water adequacy analysis. Water availability is analyzed through the mainstay discharge with a 90% probability from the Serpong Water Post. Water demand is done by projecting population growth using the geometry method, then predicted according to clean water demand standards. The results of the analysis show that the availability of water and the capacity of Water Treatment Plant Serpong can still meet the water needs of the service area until 2040. However, the water treatment plant capacity cannot meet the water demand in 2045. Raw water availability from Serpong Water Post is assumed to be constant with a value of 1,851,169,684 m3/year. Water demand in 2045 amounted to 111,685,580 m3/year, 118% of the Water Treatment Plant capacity.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Kecukupan Air Instalasi Pengolahan Air Serpongid
dc.title.alternativeWater Adequacy Analysis on Serpong Water Treatment Plant
dc.subject.keywordketersediaan airid
dc.subject.keyworddebit andalanid
dc.subject.keywordpengelolaan airid
dc.subject.keywordinstalasi pengolahan airid

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