Kinerja Produksi dan Kinerja Usaha Pendederan I Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.) di Kampung Patin, Sengonlio, Subang, Jawa Barat
Aurina, Tendri Sahlah
Budiardi, Tatag
Hadiroseyani, Yani
Show full item recordAbstract
Ikan patin (Pangasius sp.) merupakan komoditas budidaya air tawar unggulan Indonesia yang mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Namun demikian, produksi ikan patin masih mengalami kendala dalam memenuhi permintaan pasar terutama pada segmen pendederan. Padat tebar menjadi salah satu faktor penentu tingkat produktivitas dan nilai ekonomi suatu usaha budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh padat tebar berbeda terhadap kinerja produksi dan kinerja usaha pendederan I ikan patin. Penelitian bersifat ex post facto dengan metode studi kasus. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi langsung, wawancara, dan mengikuti kegiatan budidaya di lokasi penelitian. Proses pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Diperoleh sampel sebanyak tujuh responden yang terbagi ke dalam dua kelompok, yaitu padat tebar 28 ekor L-1 (A) dan 32 ekor L-1 (B). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha budidaya ikan patin segmen pendederan I dengan padat tebar 28 ekor L-1 lebih baik dibandingkan padat tebar 32 ekor L-1. Kinerja produksi yang dihasilkan kedua kelompok berturut-turut yaitu tingkat kelangsungan hidup 67,17±4,60% dan 42,47±12,19% serta produktivitas 55.972±3.834 ekor m-2 tahun-1 dan 40.849±12.823 ekor m-2 tahun-1. Kinerja usaha yang dihasilkan kedua kelompok berturut-turut yaitu harga pokok produksi Rp60,07 dan Rp67,49, payback period 2,2 tahun dan 4,8 tahun, serta rasio R/C 1,42 dan 1,26.
Kata kunci: kinerja produksi, kinerja usaha, padat tebar, pendederan I ikan patin Catfish (Pangasius sp.) is a superior freshwater aquaculture commodity in Indonesia that has increased every year. However, catfish production still experiences obstacles in meeting market demand, especially in the nursery segment. Stocking density is one of the determining factors in the level of productivity and economic value of a cultivation business. This study aims to analyze the effect of different densities on production performance and the performance of catfish nursery businesses. The research is ex post facto with a case study method. Data collection was carried out by direct observation, interviews, and participation in cultivation activities at the research location. The sampling process was carried out by purposive sampling. A sample of seven respondents was obtained, divided into two groups, namely a stocking density of 28 individual L-1 (A) and 32 individual L-1 (B). The results showed that the catfish cultivation business in the nursery segment I with a stocking density of 28 individual L-1 was better than a stocking density of 32 individual L-1. The production performance of the two groups, respectively, were survival rates of 67.17±4.60% and 42.47±12.19% and productivity of 55,972±3,834 individual m-2 year-1 and 40,849±12,823 individual m-2 year-1. The business performance of the two groups, respectively, were production costs of Rp60.07 and Rp67.49, payback periods of 2.2 years and 4.8 years, and R/C ratio of 1.42 and 1.26.
Keywords: business performance, catfish nursery, production performance, stocking density
- UT - Aquaculture [2085]