dc.contributor.advisor | Wulandari, Zakiah | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Ulupi, Niken | |
dc.contributor.author | Cahyani, Nabilla Yunita | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-01-10T14:39:49Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-01-10T14:39:49Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2025 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/160658 | |
dc.description.abstract | NABILLA YUNITA CAHYANI. Karakteristik Daging Ayam IPB-D1 dengan
Metode Penyimpan yang Berbeda. Dibimbing oleh ZAKIAH WULANDARI dan
Kualitas daging ayam akan tetap mengalami penurunan seiring dengan
lamanya penyimpanan meskipun sudah dikemas dan disimpan pada suhu rendah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisikokimia dan
mikrobiologi daging ayam IPB-D1 pada lama penyimpanan yang berbeda.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) nonfaktorial dengan
perlakuan lama penyimpanan (0, 4, 8, dan 12 hari) dalam suhu berbeda (refrigerator
dan freezer). Analisis meliputi karakteristik fisikokimia (pH, aktivitas air (aw), kadar
air, dan susut masak), dan mikrobiologi (Angka Lempeng Total). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan perlakuan lama penyimpanan berpengaruh nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap
nilai pH dan susut masak tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai aktivitas air
(aw), kadar air, dan ALT daging ayam IPB-D1. Daging ayam IPB-D1 memiliki
ALT melebihi batas maksimum cemaran miktoba pada 8 hari penyimpanan dalam
refrigerator dan 12 hari penyimpanan dalam frezeer.
Kata kunci: ayam IPB-D1, daging ayam, lama penyimpanan, suhu penyimpanan. | |
dc.description.abstract | NABILLA YUNITA CAHYANI. Characteristics of IPB-D1 Chicken Meat with
Different Storage Methods. Supervised by ZAKIAH WULANDARI and NIKEN
The quality of chicken meat will continue to decrease with the duration of
storage even though it has been packaged and stored at low temperatures. This
research was aimed to determine the physicochemical and microbiological
characteristics of IPB-D1 chicken meat at different storage times. This study used
a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with storage time
treatments (0, 4, 8, and 12 days) at different temperatures (refrigerator and freezer).
The analysis includes physicochemical characteristics (pH, water activity (aw),
water content, and cooking loss), and microbiology (Total Plate Count). The results
showed that the storage time had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the pH value and
cooking loss but had no significant effect on the water activity (aw), water content
and TPC value of IPB-D1 chicken meat. IPB-D1 chicken meat had TPC value
exceeding the maximum limit for mycobacterial contamination at 8 days of storage
in the refrigerator and 12 days of storage in the freezer.
Keywords: chicken carcass, IPB-D1 chicken, storage temperature, storage times | |
dc.description.sponsorship | Prof. Dr. Ir. Cece Sumantri, M.Sc. | |
dc.language.iso | id | |
dc.publisher | IPB University | id |
dc.title | Karakteristik Daging Ayam IPB-D1 dengan Metode Penyimpan yang Berbeda | id |
dc.title.alternative | | |
dc.type | Skripsi | |
dc.subject.keyword | daging ayam | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Chicken Carcass | id |
dc.subject.keyword | ayam IPB-D1 | id |
dc.subject.keyword | IPB-D1 chickens | id |
dc.subject.keyword | lama penyimpanan | id |
dc.subject.keyword | storage time | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Suhu Penyimpanan | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Storage Temperature | id |