Pengaruh Perceived Quality of Servicescape terhadap Repurchase Intention dan Word of Mouth Konsumen Ritel X dan Y di Jabodetabek melalui Consumer Satisfaction
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah kebiasaan belanja masyarakat, cara bisnis beroperasi, dan meningkatkan persaingan. Sebagai salah satu pemimpin bisnis ritel, ritel X senantiasa berusaha meningkatkan kualitas layanannya agar dapat memuaskan konsumennya melalui inovasi perluasan saluran penjualan, yaitu dengan diadakannya aplikasi Y. Servicescape dianggap mampu menjadi stimulus dalam menciptakan persepsi belanja masyarakat sehingga mampu memicu respon yang positif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perceived quality of servicescape terhadap repurchase intention dan word of mouth konsumen ritel X dan aplikasi Y di Jabodetabek melalui consumer satisfaction sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga September 2024. Data penelitian terdiri dari data primer berupa jawaban responden sedangkan data sekunder dari studi literatur. Jumlah responden penelitian ini sebanyak 265 responden yang dikumpulkan melalui teknik penarikan sampel non-probability sampling metode purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif dan SEM-PLS tipe second order construct dengan pendekatan embedded two-stage. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived quality of offline servicescape tidak memiliki pengaruh langsung signifikan terhadap repurchase intention dan word of mouth, namun terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung. Perceived quality of online servicescape memiliki pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung secara signifikan dan positif terhadap repurchase intention dan word of mouth.
Kata kunci: consumer satisfaction, multichannel retailing, perceived quality of servicecape, repurchase intention, word of mouth. The rapid development of technology has changed people's shopping habits, how businesses operate, and increased competition. As one of the leaders in the retail business, X retail is constantly trying to improve the quality of its services in order to satisfy its consumers through the innovation of expanding sales channels, namely by releasing Y application. Servicescape is considered capable of being a stimulus in creating people's shopping perceptions so that it can trigger a positive response. This study analyzes the effect of the perceived quality of servicescape on repurchase intention and word of mouth of X retail and Y application consumers in Jabodetabek through consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research was conducted from May to September 2024. The research data consists of primary data from respondents' answers and secondary data from literature studies. The number of respondents in this study was 265 respondents, collected through the non-probability sampling technique purposive sampling method. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS second-order construct type with an embedded two-stage approach. The results showed that the perceived quality of offline servicescape has no significant direct effect on repurchase intention and word of mouth, but there is an indirect effect. Perceived quality of online servicescape has a significant and positive direct and indirect effect on repurchase intention and word of mouth.
Keywords: consumer satisfaction, multichannel retailing, perceived quality of servicescape, repurchase intention, word of mouth.
- UT - Management [3497]