Mie merupakan salah satu makanan cepat saji yang paling banyak dikonsumsi
oleh kalangan masyarakat termasuk konsumen muda. Menurut Asosiasi Produsen
Tepung Terigu Indonesia (APTINDO), mayoritas pengguna tepung terigu adalah
UMKM. Jumlah UMKM di Indonesia menunjukkan peningkatan secara terus menerus. Kota Bogor termasuk salah satu wilayah diJawa Barat yang memiliki total
konsumsi mie cukup banyak. Data Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Jawa Barat
menunjukkan UMKM kategori makanan dan minuman merupakan UMKM
terbesar di Kota Bogor dan mengalami peningkatan secara terus-menerus setiap
tahunnya. Peningkatan jumlah UMKM makanan dan minuman di Kota Bogor dapat
menyebabkan persaingan semakin tinggi. Oleh karena itu penerapan strategi yang
tepat perlu dilakukan khususnya bagi UMKM mie sebagai upaya dalam
membangun daya saing usaha agar mampu bersaing dengan UMKM mie lainnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses dan faktor apa saja yang
memengaruhi keputusan pembelian mie oleh konsumen muda di Kota Bogor serta
merumuskan implikasi manajerial sebagai strategi bagi UMKM mie dalam
membangun daya saing usaha.
Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer hasil survei 95 konsumen muda yang
berada di Kota Bogor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan November hingga
Desember 2023. Sampel penelitian ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive
sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk menganalisis
proses keputusan pembelian dan Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least
Square (SEM-PLS) untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan
pembelian mie oleh konsumen muda di Kota Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa konsumen muda melewati berbagai proses sebelum membuat keputusan
pembelian meliputi identifikasi kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif,
keputusan pembelian, dan perilaku pasca pembelian. Faktor yang berpengaruh
positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen muda adalah faktor
atribut produk, distribusi, promosi, dan gaya hidup. Faktor yang berpengaruh
negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen muda adalah
faktor harga. Penelitian ini memberikan suatu rekomendasi khususnya bagi UMKM
mie sebagai strategi dalam membangun daya saing usaha. Diharapkan UMKM mie
melakukan diferensiasi produk melalui inovasi produk, mengoptimalkan distribusi
produk, dan meningkatkan promosi produk agar mampu bersaing dengan
kompetitor UMKM mie lainnya. Noodles are one of the most widely consumed fast foods by the community,
including young consumers. According to the Indonesian Wheat Flour Producers
Association (APTINDO), the majority of wheat flour users are SMEs. The number
of SMEs in Indonesia shows a continuous increase. Bogor City is one of the areas
in West Java that has a fairly large total noodle consumption. Data from the West
Java Cooperative and SMEs Service shows that SMEs in the food and beverage
category are the largest SMEs in Bogor City and have experienced a continuous
increase every year. The increase in the number of food and beverage SMEs in
Bogor City can lead to increasingly high competition. Therefore, the
implementation of the right strategy needs to be carried out, especially for noodle
SMEs as an effort to build business competitiveness in order to compete with other
noodle SMEs. This study aims to analyze the processes and factors that influence
the decision to purchase noodles by young consumers in Bogor City and to
formulate managerial implications as a strategy for noodle SMEs in building
business competitiveness.
This study aims to analyze the process and factors that influence the decision
to purchase noodles by young consumers in Bogor City and to formulate managerial
implications as a strategy for noodle SMEs in building business competitiveness.
This study uses primary data from a survey of 95 young consumers in Bogor City.
Data collection was conducted from November to December 2023. The research
sample was determined using purposive sampling techniques. The data were
analyzed using descriptive analysis to analyze the purchasing decision process and
Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) to analyze the
factors that influence noodle purchasing decisions by young consumers in Bogor
City. The results of the study show that young consumers go through various
processes before making a purchasing decision including identifying needs,
searching for information, evaluating alternatives, purchasing decisions, and postpurchase behavior. Factors that have a positive and significant effect on young
consumers' purchasing decisions are product attribute factors, distribution,
promotion, and lifestyle. Factors that have a negative and insignificant effect on
young consumers' purchasing decisions are price factors. This study provides a
recommendation especially for noodle SMEs as a strategy in building business
competitiveness. It is expected that noodle SMEs will differentiate their products
through product innovation, optimize product distribution, and increase product
promotion in order to be able to compete with other noodle SMEs competitors.
- MT - Economic and Management [2999]