Evaluasi Sistem Pengendalian Internal Atas Pengeluaran Kas pada Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Housekeeper
MUHAMMAD FIKRI RACHMAWAN. Evaluasi Sistem Pengendalian Internal
Atas Pengeluaran Kas pada Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Housekeeper. Dibimbing
Pada pelaksanaan pengeluaran kas di LSP Housekeeper, ditemukan beberapa
transaksi pembelian yang tidak disertakan faktur. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya
pengeluaran aset yang berlebihan. Sedangkan di dalam pelaporan
pertanggungjawaban kepada Kementerian Pariwisata diperlukan adanya
pengungkapan penuh. Dalam penerapannya, perusahaan perlu mengadakan
pengendalian internal guna mencari adanya kesalahan dan penyelewengan yang
bisa saja terjadi serta dapat mengambil tindakan korektif. Tujuan dari penulisan
proyek akhir ini adalah mengevaluasi penerapan sistem pengendalian internal
berbasis COSO pada Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Housekeeper. Kegiatan proyek
akhir dilaksanakan di Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP Housekeeper) Kabupaten
Bekasi, komplek Chifest Komplek Blok W8 I, Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa
Barat. Magang dilaksanakan sejak minggu pertama Januari hingga minggu terakhir
April 2024. Teknik Pengumpulan terbagi atas 4 bagian yaitu partisipasi aktif,
observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka.
Kata Kunci: Pengeluaran Kas, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Housekeeper MUHAMMAD FIKRI RACHMAWAN. Evaluation of Internal Control System
Over Cash Disbursements at Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Housekeeper. Supervised
In the implementation of cash disbursements at the Housekeeping
Professional Certification Agency, several purchase transactions were found
without invoices. This resulted in excessive asset expenditure. Meanwhile, in the
accountability reporting to the Ministry of Tourism, full disclosure is required. In
its implementation, the company needs to have internal controls to find any errors
and irregularities that may occur and be able to take corrective action if there are
deviations that indicate weaknesses in the company's internal control system. The
purpose of this final project is to evaluate the implementation of a COSO-based
internal control system at the Housekeeping Professional Certification Agency. The
final project activities were carried out at the Housekeeping Professional
Certification Agency (LSP Housekeeper) Bekasi Regency, located in the Chifest
Complex Block W8 I, Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, West Java. The internship was
carried out for four months, starting from the first week of January to the last week
of April 2024. Data collection techniques were divided into four parts, namely
active participation, observation, interviews, and literature review.
Keywords: Cash Disbursements, Accounting Information System, Housekeeper
- UT - Accounting [202]