Potensi Pestisida Nabati terhadap Populasi Nematoda Meloidogyne spp. pada Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)
Ginting, Jericho Lamindo
Munif, Abdul
Kurniawati, Fitrianingrum
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Nematoda puru akar Meloidogyne spp. merupakan salah satu nematoda parasit tanaman mentimun yang menyebabkan puru pada akar. Pestisida nabati dapat menjadi alternatif untuk mengendalikan nematoda puru akar Meloidogyne spp.. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan keefektikan pestisida nabati dalam mengendalikan Meloidogyne spp., mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, dan nilai skor puru akar pada tanaman mentimun. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian keefektifan pestisida nabati terhadap Meloidogyne spp. di laboratorium, pengujian keefektifan pestisida nabati terhadap keparahan puru akar yang disebabkan oleh Meloidogyne spp. dan pertumbuhan tanaman mentimun di rumah kaca. Sebanyak 3 jenis pestisida nabati diuji untuk melihat keefektifannya dalam menekan populasi Meloidogyne spp. dengan tingkat konsentrasi berbeda. Konsentrasi uji yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi 1%, 2%, dan 4%. Analisis statistik menggunakan program IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Hasil penelitian in vitro menunjukkan ketiga pestisida nabati mampu menekan populasi Meloidogyne spp.. Pengujian in vivo di rumah kaca juga menunjukkan ketiga pestisida mampu menekan populasi Meloidogyne spp. pada konsentrasi 2% dan 4% dan berpotensi sebagai alternatif pengendalian Meloidogyne spp. yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi baru mengenai keefektifan pestisida nabati dan potensi dalam mengendalikan Meloidogyne spp. pada tanaman mentimun. Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are parasitic nematodes that attack cucumber plants, causing characteristic galls on the roots. Botanical pesticides offer a promosing alternative for controlling these nematodes. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of botanical pesticides in managing Meloidogyne spp., assessing their impact on plant growth and the severity of root-knot disease on cucumber plants. Laboratory experiment tested the efficacy of botanical pesticides against Meloidogyne spp., while greenhouse trials was done toasses their effect on root damage severity and plant growth. Variables observed included agronomic aspects such as plant height, canopy wet weight, root wet weight, and total of root knots. Three types of botanical pesticides with different concentration were used in this experiment. The test concentrations used were 1%, 2%, and 4% concentrations. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program. The in vitro results demonstrated that all three botanical pesticides effectively suppressed Meloidogyne spp. Similary, in vivo greenhouse trials confirmed that the pesticides, particulary at 2% and 4% concentrations, significantly reduced root galls and showed potential as eco-friendly alternatives for controlling Meloidogyne spp. in cucumber cultivation. This research provides valuable insights in to the use and their potency of botanical pesticides as an effective strategy for managing root-knot nematodes in cucumber plants.
- UT - Plant Protection [2435]