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dc.contributor.authorRabiyanti, Intan
dc.contributor.authorA Asriansyah
dc.contributor.authorF Yulianda
dc.contributor.authorSamosir, AM
dc.contributor.authorT Hestiranoto
dc.description.abstractThe coastal waters of Banten Bay have a fairly high potential for fishery resources. The purpose of this study was to determine the community structure of macrozoobenthos mollusks in several coastal waters spread from the west to the east of the bay area (Margari, Bojonegara, Cengkok, Kemayungan-Linduk and Domas beaches). Research activities on the structure of the macrozoobenthos community were carried out from May 2019 to March 2022 in these 5 coastal areas. Data analysis was carried out on the index of density, diversity, evenness, and dominance. Based on the research results, there are 85 genera of macrozoobenthos mollusks from two classes, namely Bivalvia (25 genera) and Gastropods (60 genera). Timoclea sp., Anadara sp., and Codakia sp. is a genus of macrozoobenthos mollusks that are found quite a lot. Based on the calculation results, the density varies from 0.1 to 450 ind/m2. The index values of diversity, uniformity, and dominance in each region varied from 1,449 - 3,538, 0,282 - 0,728, and 0,138 - 0,675. Based on this value, the condition of the coastal water ecosystem has moderate-hight diversity, low-high evenness, and low-high dominant
dc.publisherDept. Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK IPBid
dc.titleCommunity Structure of Macrozoobenthos Mollusks in Several Coastal Waters of Banten Bay, Indonesiaid
dc.subject.keywordmarine environmentid
dc.subject.keywordBanten Bayid

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