dc.contributor.advisor | Palupi, Endah Retno | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Purwito, Agus | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Melati | |
dc.contributor.author | Anugrah, Muhammad Haikal | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-12-26T07:21:30Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-12-26T07:21:30Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2024 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/160329 | |
dc.description.abstract | Jambu mete (Anacardium occidentale L.; Anacardiaceae) merupakan salah
satu komoditas perkebunan yang banyak ditanam di lahan marjinal, terutama di
wilayah Indonesia bagian timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan
informasi karakter dan mutu benih jambu mete (fisik, fisiologis, dan kimia) dari
tiga kondisi agroekologi yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan November
2022 hingga November 2023.
Benih dari empat varietas diperoleh dari kebun sumber benih (KSB) di
berbagai kondisi agroekologi. Benih varietas Balakrisnan 02 diambil dari daerah
beriklim basah (Bantul, Yogyakarta) dan daerah beriklim sedang (Sumbawa, Nusa
Tenggara Barat). Benih varietas Flotim diambil dari daerah beriklim sedang
(Bangkalan, Jawa Timur), dan daerah beriklim kering (Flores Timur, Nusa
Tenggara Timur). Sementara itu, benih varietas Muna diambil dari daerah beriklim
basah (Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara), dan varietas Meteor YK dari daerah beriklim
sedang (Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah), yang keduanya hanya berasal dari satu kondisi
agroekologi. Mutu fisik dan fisiologis diamati setelah panen dan selama enam bulan
penyimpanan pada suhu 16 °C dan kelembapan 50%. Karakter kimia benih yang
diamati adalah aktivitas peroksidase dan kandungan prolin. Setelah
perkecambahan, pertumbuhan bibit diamati hingga 12 minggu setelah tanam.
Percobaan disusun dengan satu faktor dengan rancangan lingkungan berupa
rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Data pengamatan karakter fisik, mutu fisiologis
benih, serta performa bibit dianalisis menggunakan analisis kontras ortogonal
dengan selang kepercayaan 95%, dalam tiga kelompok perbandingan, yaitu
pengaruh kondisi agroekologi terhadap mutu fisik dan fisiologi benih pada varietas
yang sama, pengaruh perbedaan varietas terhadap mutu fisik dan fisiologi benih
pada kondisi agroekologi yang sama, dan pengaruh kondisi agroekologi terhadap
mutu fisik dan fisiologi benih dari berbagai varietas.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter fisik benih jambu mete
dipengaruhi oleh kondisi agroekologi tempat penanaman. Secara umum kondisi
iklim yang lebih kering meningkatkan bobot 1000 butir, panjang benih, lebar benih,
dan ketebalan kulit buah. Varietas Balakrisnan 02 dan Meteor YK menunjukkan
karakter fisik benih yang lebih baik jika ditanam di daerah iklim sedang, sedangkan
varietas Muna lebih unggul di daerah basah dan varietas Flotim menunjukkan
karakter fisik benih yang lebih baik jika ditanam di daerah kering.
Benih varietas Balakrisnan 02 dan varietas Flotim yang berasal dari daerah
dengan kondisi agroekologi iklim sedang mempunyai viabilitas dan vigor yang
lebih tinggi daripada benih dari daerah dengan kondisi agroekologi iklim basah atau
kering. Pada kondisi agroekologi iklim basah, varietas Balakrisnan 02 mempunyai
viabilitas dan vigor yang lebih tinggi daripada varietas Muna. Pada kondisi
agroekologi iklim sedang, viabilitas dan vigor benih varietas Balakrisnan 02 lebih
tinggi daripada varietas Flotim dan varietas Meteor YK; dan varietas Flotim
mempunyai viabilitas dan vigor yang lebih tinggi daripada varietas Meteor YK.
Aktivi tas peroksidase benih jambu mete dipengaruhi oleh kondisi
agroekologi dan durasi penyimpanan. Benih varietas Flotim dari KSB Flores Timur
mempunyai aktivitas peroksidase lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan benih dari KSB
Bangkalan, diduga akibat stres ringan yang dipicu oleh intensitas penyinaran lebih
lama di daerah tersebut. Peningkatan aktivitas peroksidase selama penyimpanan
diamati pada semua varietas, mencapai nilai tertinggi setelah 6 bulan penyimpanan,
diduga sebagai mekanisme pertahanan alami benih terhadap stres lingkungan yang
memengaruhi mutu fisiologis benih selama penyimpanan. Kandungan prolin dalam
benih lebih tinggi pada benih yang berasal dari daerah kering sebagai respons
tanaman terhadap stres air. Selama penyimpanan, kandungan prolin meningkat
pada semua varietas, dengan kenaikan tertinggi terjadi pada 6 bulan setelah simpan,
yang menunjukkan perannya dalam penyesuaian osmotik dan perlindungan
membran sel.
Performa bibit varietas Balakrisnan 02 dan varietas Flotim yang berasal dari
kondisi agroekologi iklim sedang lebih baik daripada kondisi agroekologi iklim
basah atau kering. Pada kondisi agroekologi iklim sedang, varietas Balakrisnan 02
mempunyai performa bibit yang lebih baik, diikuti oleh performa bibit varietas
Flotim, varietas Meteor YK dan varietas Muna. Semua kebun sumber benih yang
ditanam pada berbagai kondisi agroekologi menghasilkan benih bermutu. | |
dc.description.abstract | Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.; Anacardiaceae) is one of the plantation
commodities widely cultivated on marginal land, especially in eastern Indonesia.
This study aimed to obtain information on the characteristics and quality of cashew
seeds (physical, physiological, and chemical) from three different agroecological
conditions. The research was conducted from November 2022 to November 2023.
Seeds of the four varieties were obtained from seed orchard (SO) in various
agroecological conditions. Seeds of Balakrisnan 02 variety were collected from a
wet climate area (Bantul, Yogyakarta) and a moderate climate area (Sumbawa,
West Nusa Tenggara). Seeds of the Flotim variety were collected from a moderate
climate area (Bangkalan, East Java) and a dry climate area (East Flores, East Nusa
Tenggara). Meanwhile, seeds of the Muna variety were collected from a wet climate
area (Muna, Southeast Sulawesi), and Meteor YK variety from a moderate climate
area (Wonogiri, Central Java), with both varieties coming from only one
agroecological condition. The physical characters and physiological quality of the
seeds were observed during six months of storage at 16 °C and 50% humidity. The
chemical characteristics of the seeds observed included peroxidase activity and
proline content. After germination, seedling growth was observed up to 12 weeks
after planting. The experiment was arranged as a one-factor design with a
completely randomized design (CRD) for environmental layout. The data (physical
characteristics, seed physiological quality, and seedling performance) were
analyzed using orthogonal contrast analysis with a 95% confidence interval in three
comparison groups: the effect of agroecological conditions on the physical and
physiological quality of seeds within the same variety, the effect of variety
differences on the physical and physiological quality of seeds within the same
agroecological conditions, and the effect of agroecological conditions on the
physical and physiological quality of seeds across varieties.
The research results indicated that the physical characteristics of cashew
seeds were the physical characteristics of cashew seeds were influenced by the
agroecological conditions of cultivation. In general, drier climatic conditions
increased the 1,000-seed weight, seed length, seed width, and fruit peel thickness.
The Balakrisnan 02 and Meteor YK varieties exhibited better physical seed
characteristics when cultivated in moderate climates, while the Muna variety
performed better in wet climates, and the Flotim variety showed superior physical
seed characteristics in dry climates areas.
Seeds of the Balakrisnan 02 and Flotim varieties from moderate climate areas
had higher viability and vigor than seeds from wet or dry climate areas. Under wet
climate conditions, the Balakrisnan 02 variety had higher viability and vigor than
the Muna variety. Furthermore, under moderate climate conditions, the Balakrisnan
02 variety had higher viability and vigor than the Flotim and Meteor YK varieties,
while the Flotim variety had higher viability and vigor than the Meteor YK variety.
The agroecological condition and storage duration affected the peroxidase
activity of cashew seeds. Seeds of the Flotim variety from the East Flores SO
exhibited higher peroxidase activity compared to seeds from the SO in Bangkalan,
possibly due to mild stress triggered by longer sunlight exposure in the region.
Increased peroxidase activity during storage was observed in all varieties, reached
the highest at six months of storage, presumably as a natural defense mechanism
against environmental stress affecting seed physiological quality. Proline content in
the seeds was higher in seeds from dry climate areas, reflecting the plant's response
to water stress. During storage, proline content increased across all varieties, with
the highest increase observed at six months, indicating its role in osmotic
adjustment and membrane protection.
Seedling performance of the Balakrisnan 02 and Flotim varieties from
moderate agroecological conditions was better than from wet or dry agroecological
conditions. Under moderate agroecological conditions, the Balakrisnan 02 variety
showed the best seedling performance, followed by the Flotim variety, Meteor YK
variety, and Muna variety. All SO in various agroecological conditions produced
high-quality seeds. | |
dc.description.sponsorship | | |
dc.language.iso | id | |
dc.publisher | IPB University | id |
dc.title | Keragaman Karakter dan Mutu Benih Jambu Mete (Anacardium occidentale L.) dari Berbagai Kondisi Agroekologi | id |
dc.title.alternative | Variation in Characteristics and Quality of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) Seeds Across Different Agroecological Conditions | |
dc.type | Tesis | |
dc.subject.keyword | viability | id |
dc.subject.keyword | vigor | id |
dc.subject.keyword | peroxidase activity | id |
dc.subject.keyword | proline content | id |
dc.subject.keyword | storage capacity | id |