Evaluasi Pemberian Infusa Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) dalam Air Minum terhadap Produktivitas Ayam Petelur Strain Lohmann Brown
The high demand for eggs causes livestock business groups to experience various obstacles in meeting them, one of the factors is the low production of old layers. Therefore, efforts are needed to maintain productivity in old layers. Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) have high protein content, are rich in essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and many bioactive compounds. Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) are given to livestock in the form of infusion, it is expected that the absorption of nutrients contained in the Moringa leaves will affect the reproductive. Performance at the reproductive organs in layers and work optimally. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of giving Moringa oleifera leaf infusion in drinking water on the performance and health status of Lohmann Brown layers. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments, five replications and each replication consisted of 8 Lohmann Brown layers. The feed used in the study was commercial feed produced by PT. Kerta Mulya Saripakan. The treatments given were: P0 (control/drinking water without moringa leaf infusion), P1 (5% moringa leaf infusion in drinking water), P2 (10% moringa leaf infusion in drinking water). The variables observed in this study were performance, physical quality of eggs, blood profile and blood Malondialdehyde (MDA). The results of the study showed that the administration of Moringa oleifera leaf infusion in drinking water at a concentration of 5% was the best treatment that was able to increase daily egg production by 10.12%, egg mass production by 9.92%, feed efficiency by 9.81%, increase the haugh unit value by 3.4%, egg yolk color score by 10% and income over feed cost (IOFC) by 136% in Lohmann Brown strain laying hens and was still able to maintain laying hens health with normal stress levels
- MT - Animal Science [1235]