Keragaan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Menghasilkan Umur Sebelas Tahun di Kebun Pendidikan dan Penelitian IPB Jonggol
Kelapa sawit merupakan komoditas prospektif dalam perniagaan minyak nabati global. Kelapa sawit memiliki tingkat produksi dan produktivitas tertinggi pada fase tanaman mengasilkan (TM). Kualitas dan kuantitas produksi serta produktivitas kelapa sawit di lapangan dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik, lingkungan, dan teknis agronomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari keragaan tanaman kelapa sawit umur sebelas tahun dan membandingkan realisasi produksi pada lima blok. Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari hingga Mei 2024. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Pendidikan dan Penelitian IPB Jonggol. Analisis hara jaringan daun diperoleh melalui platform : Precision Agriculture Platform for Oil Palm (PreciPalm). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam pada taraf a = 5% dan uji Tukey-Kramer. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa keragaan kelapa sawit pada kelima blok kebun berbeda nyata pada hampir semua parameter, kecuali bunga betina. Blok 1 mendominasi pada parameter tinggi dan lingkar batang, bunga jantan, produktivitas Januari-1 dan satu tahun terakhir, persentase nitrogen, fosfor, dan kalium, serta mendominasi pada aspek produksi dan produktivitas tahun 2017-2023. Blok 4 mendominasi pada parameter tonase produksi, rata-rata berat tandan, jumlah tandan buah segar, persentase magnesium, dan produksi Januari-1. Blok 5 mendominasi pada parameter jumlah pelepah, bunga betina, sex ratio, dan TBS pokok-1. Palm oil is a prospective commodity in the global plant based oil business. Oil palm has the highest level of production and productivity in the producing crop mature phase. The quality and quantity of palm oil production and productivity in the field are influenced by genetic, environmental, and agronomic technical factors. This study aims to study the performance of eleven-year-old oil palm plants and compare the production realization in five blocks. The observation were conducted on January until May 2024. The research was carried out in the IPB Jonggol Teaching Farm. The analysis of oil palm leaf tissue nutrients was obtained through the platform: Precision Agriculture Platform for Oil Palm (PreciPalm). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance at the level of a = 5% and further tests of Tukey-Kramer. The observation results showed that the abundance of oil palm in the five plantation blocks was significantly different in almost all parameters, except for the female flowers. Block 1 dominated in the parameters of stem height and circumference, male flowers, production, productivity in January-1 and the last year, percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and dominated in the production and productivity aspects of 2017-2023. Block 4 dominated on the parameters of production tonnage, average bunch weight, number of fresh fruit bunches (FFB), percentage of magnesium, and January-1 production. Block 5 dominates in the parameters of the number of fronds, female flowers, sex ratio, and FFB tree-1.