Taman Nasional Baluran terdapat potensi satwa liar yang memiliki keunikan
untuk dirancang dalam perencanaan ekowisata satwa liar yaitu Rusa Timor. Proyek
akhir ini bertujuan menganalisis respon perilaku harian Rusa Timor dan merancang
luaran berupa program ekowisata, website dan video promosi. Penelitian
dilaksanakan di Resort Bama di ekosistem savana, hutan pantai. Penelitian ini
dilakukan pada tanggal 20 November 2023 sampai 20 Januari 2024. Jenis data yang
diambil yaitu populasi, aktifitas harian, wilayah jelajah, dan perilaku terhadap jarak.
Metode yang dipakai yakni menggunakan metode focal animal sampling, RAL.
Dalam penelitian tentang pengaruh jarak terhadap perilaku Rusa Timor yang
diamati hasil pengamatan ini menunjukkan variasi dalam respons perilaku Rusa
Timor tergantung pada jarak pengamatan, waktu pengamatan dan lokasi, secara
umum respons positif lebih sering diamati pada malam hari, sedangkan respons
negative lebih sering terjadi pada siang dan sore hari. Baluran National Park has a unique wildlife that cam be designed in the
planning of Timor Deer wildlife ecotourism. This final project aims to analyze the
daily behavior response of Timor Deer and design outputs in the form of ecotourism
programs, websites, and promotional videos. The research was carried out at the
Bama Resort in the savanna ecosystem, coastal forest. This research was conducted
from November 20, 2023 to January 20, 2024. The types of data taken were
population, daily activities, roaming areas, and behavior towards distance. The
method used is using the focal animal sampling method, RAL. In the study on the
effect of distance on the behavior of Timor Deer, the results of this observation
show variations in the behavioral response of Timor Deer depending on the
observation distance, observation time and location, in general, positive responses
are more often observed at night, while negative responses are more frequent
during the day and evening.
- UT - Ecotourism [96]