Eksplorasi, Isolasi, dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Dekomposer dalam Pengembangan Bioaktivator Kompos
Rahmadani, Ghina Radhiyya
Hazra, Fahrizal
Rosita, Risa
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Environmental Technology and Security (ETS) section SEAMEO BIOTROP
pada tahun 2023 menghasilkan BIOTROP Kompos (BIOPOS) sebagai hasil
pengelolaan mandiri sampah dedaunan dan baglog jamur di SEAMEO BIOTROP.
Namun, BIOPOS masih perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk dilakukan
eksplorasi bakteri dekomposer yang dapat dijadikan bioaktivator BIOPOS guna
mempercepat proses pengomposan dan meningkatkan kualitas kompos yang
dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeskplorasi bakteri dekomposer untuk
pengembangan bioaktivator BIOPOS, mengisolasi bakteri dekomposer untuk
pengembangan bioaktivator BIOPOS, karakterisasi bakteri dekomposer untuk
pengembangan bioaktivator BIOPOS, dan menguji efektivitas bakteri dekomposer
dalam mendekomposisi bahan BIOPOS. Isolat bakteri BIOPB, BIOKB, BIOPI,
KSCMI, dan TJCMB di karakterisasi secara morfologi, fisiologi, dan biokimia.
Metode eksperimental dilakukan dalam pembuatan dan pengaplikasian bioaktivator
BIOPOS. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan isolat bakteri BIOPB, BIOKB, KSCMI,
dan TJCMB berpotensi sebagai bakteri dekomposer. Isolat bakteri dekomposer
lebih efektif dalam mendekomposisi bahan BIOPOS dibandingkan EM4 dilihat dari
tingginya suhu BIOPOS yang mencapai 52°C. The Environmental Technology and Security (ETS) section of SEAMEO
BIOTROP 2023 produced BIOTROP Compost (BIOPOS) as a result of self
management of leaf waste and mushroom baglogs at SEAMEO BIOTROP.
However, BIOPOS still needs further development to explore decomposer bacteria
that can be used as BIOPOS bioactivators to accelerate the composting process and
improve the quality of the compost produced. This study aims to explore
decomposer bacteria for the development of BIOPOS bioactivators, isolate
decomposer bacteria for the development of BIOPOS bioactivators, characterize
decomposer bacteria for the development of BIOPOS bioactivators, and test the
effectiveness of decomposer bacteria in decomposing BIOPOS materials. Bacterial
isolates BIOPB, BIOKB, BIOPI, KSCMI, and TJCMB were characterized
morphologically, physiologically, and biochemically. Experimental methods were
used to produce and apply the BIOPOS bioactivator. The characterization results
showed that the bacterial isolates BIOPB, BIOKB, KSCMI, and TJCMB have
potential as decomposer bacteria. The decomposer bacterial isolates were more
effective in decomposing BIOPOS materials than EM4, as seen from the high
temperature of BIOPOS which reached 52°C.