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dc.contributor.advisorPriyanto, Rudy
dc.contributor.advisorAditia, Edit Lesa
dc.contributor.authorsyuaib, fauzan
dc.description.abstractDefisit akan kebutuhan daging di Indonesia dipenuhi salah satunya melalui importasi sapi Brahman cross. Sapi jenis ini memiliki keragaman sex class, umur, dan tempat penggemukan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek dari perbedaan sex class, umur, dan asal feedlot terhadap karakteristik karkas sapi Brahman cross yang dipotong di RPH Kategori II. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis one way ANOVA dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan sex class, umur dan asal feedlot memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap bobot potong dan persentase karkas sapi Brahman Cross di RPH Kategori II. Sapi Brahman cross dengan sex class bull menghasilkan bobot potong dan persentase karkas tertinggi dibandingkan sapi dengan sex class lain. Asal feedlot dari feedlot D juga menghasilkan bobot potong dan persentase karkas tertinggi. Apabila ditinjau dari umur sapi I4 menghasilkan bobot potong dan karkas tertinggi. Perbedaan sex class, umur, dan asal feedlot sapi Brahman cross mengakibatkan keragaman karakteristik pada seluruh parameter. Perbedaan sex class dan umur sapi tidak menunjukkan keragaman pada parameter drip loss.
dc.description.abstractDeficit in demand for meat in Indonesia is met through one of the importation of Brahman cross cattle. This type of cattle has a variety of sex classes, ages, and feedlots spread throughout Indonesia. This study aims to examine the effects of differences in sex classes, ages, and feedlot origin on the carcass characteristics of Brahman cross cattle slaughtered in category II slaughterhouses. This research uses descriptive analysis and one way ANOVA analysis with Duncan advanced test. The results showed that differences in sex class, ages, and feedlot origin had a significant influence (P<0,05) on the slaughter weight and carcass percentage of Brahman cross cattle at the category II slaughterhouses. Brahman cross cattle with the bull sex class produce the highest slaughter weight and carcass percentage compared to other sex classes. Feedlot origin from D feedlot also produces the highest slaughter weight and carcass percentage. When viewed from the age of cattle, I4 cattle produces the highest slaughter and carcass weights. Differences in sex classes, ages, and feedlot origin of Brahman cross cattle result in variations in characteristics in all parameters. Differences in sex classes and ages of cattle do not show variation in drip loss parameters.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeragaman Karakteristik Karkas Sapi Brahman Cross di RPH Kategori IIid
dc.title.alternativeDiversity of Characteristics of Brahman Cross Carcasses in Category II Abattoirs
dc.subject.keywordbrahman crossid

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