Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Sifat Fisik Face Mist dari Whey Keju Mozzarella yang Dihidrolisis dengan Ekstrak Nanas Madu (Ananas comosus L.)
Protein didalam whey keju mozzarella berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi peptida bioaktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis aktivitas antioksidan dan sifat fisik sediaan face mist berbahan whey keju yang dihidrolisis dengan ekstrak nanas madu. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan perlakuan penambahan ekstrak nanas madu 0%, 2,5%, 5%, dan 10%. Hidrolisat whey dengan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi selanjutnya dibuat formulasi face mist (0%, 5%, 10% dan 15%). Hasil uji menunjukkan, penambahan ekstrak nanas madu berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas antioksidan hidrolisat whey (p<0,05), dengan nilai inhibisi tertinggi sebesar 40,67±5,28% dan kapasitas antioksidan sebesar 323,35±43,12 mg EVC 100 g-1. Pada formulasi face mist, penambahan hidrolisat whey tidak berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan daya sebar, namun berpengaruh terhadap nilai pH. Nilai inhibisi tertinggi terdapat pada formula 3 sebesar 6,76±2,02% dan kapasitas antioksidan sebesar 44,67±8,00 mg EVC 100 g-1. Face mist yang dihasilkan berwarna putih keruh, tekstur cair dan aroma khas whey, nilai pH berkisar antara 3,64–4,24 dan daya sebar antara 5,40–5,53 cm The protein in mozzarella cheese whey has the potential to be utilized as bioactive peptides. This study aims to analyze the antioxidant activity and physical properties of a face mist formulation made from whey cheese hydrolyzed with honey pineapple extract. The study employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with treatments involving honey pineapple extract concentrations of 0%, 2,5%, 5%, and 10%. The whey hydrolysate with the highest antioxidant activity was then used to create face mist formulations at different concentrations (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%). The results indicate that the addition of honey pineapple extract significantly affects the antioxidant activity of the whey hydrolysate (p<0,05), with the highest inhibition value recorded at 40,67±5,28% and an antioxidant capacity of 323,35±43,12 mg EVC per 100 g. In the face mist formulations, the addition of whey hydrolysate did not affect antioxidant activity or spreadability, but it did impact the pH value. The highest inhibition value was observed in formula 3, at 6,76±2,02%, with an antioxidant capacity of 44,67±8,00 mg EVC per 100 g. The resulting face mist is opaque white, has a liquid texture, and a whey-like aroma, with a pH range of 3,64–4,24 and spreadability between 5,40–5,53 cm