Respon Perubahan Kadar Hara Daun Nanas (Ananas comosus L. Merr) terhadap Aplikasi Kompos Diperkaya FABA pada Ultisol di Lampung Tengah
Pertanaman nanas secara intensif dalam jangka panjang pada lahan perkebunan nanas (Ananas comosus L. Merr) PT Great Giant Pineapple mengakibatkan penurunan kesuburan tanah, berkaitan dengan kadar bahan organik tanah dan ketersediaan hara makro. Bahan pembenah tanah berupa kompos diperkaya fly ash dan bottom ash yang dapat menyediakan hara bagi tanaman telah diujicoba. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat respon perubahan kadar hara daun nanas terhadap penambahan kompos diperkaya FABA pada umur nanas 3, 6, dan 9 bulan setelah tanam (BST). Percobaan dilakukan dengan rancangan percobaan eksperimental, 6 perlakuan (kontrol, kompos 50 ton tebar, kompos + FABA 50 ton tebar, kompos + FABA 25 ton palir, kompos + FABA 15 ton palir, dan kompos + FABA 5 ton palir) dengan 3 ulangan. Kompos diperkaya FABA berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar P dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar Ca dan S pada 6 BST. Perlakuan kompos diperkaya FABA berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar S saat 9 BST. Pengurangan dosis pupuk foliar tidak berpengaruh nyata pada kadar hara daun saat 9 BST. Kadar hara S mengalami penurunan yang sangat nyata pada 6 BST dan kadar hara Ca mengalami penurunan yang nyata saat 9 BST. Pengaruh aplikasi kompos diperkaya FABA paling baik berada pada dosis 25 ton/ha saat 6 BST. Intensive pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) cultivation on PT Great Giant Pineapple's plantation land had decreased soil fertility, related to soil organic matter content and macro nutrients availability. The effect of the application of enriched compost with fly ash and bottom ash, which could provide nutrients for the plants, had been tested. This study aimed to observe the response of pineapple leaf nutrient levels to the addition of FABA-enriched compost at 3, 6, and 9 months after planting (MAP). The experiment was conducted using experimental design with 6 treatments (control, compost 50 tons broadcasted, COMFABA 50 tons broadcasted, COMFABA 25 tons palir technique (planting lines), COMFABA 15 tons palir, and COMFABA 5 tons palir) with three repetitions. The FABA-enriched compost had a highly significant effect on P uptake and a significant effect on Ca and S uptake at 6 MAP. The FABA-enriched compost treatment had a highly significant effect on S uptake at 9 MAP. The reduction in foliar fertilizer dose did not significantly affect leaf nutrient levels at 9 MAP. S nutrient uptake decreased significantly at 6 MAP, and Ca nutrient uptake decreased significantly at 9 MAP. The best effect of FABA-enriched compost application was at a dose of 25 tons/ha at 6 MAP.