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dc.contributor.advisorYani, Moh.
dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Anas Miftah
dc.contributor.authorAmalia, Raissa Ghina
dc.description.abstractPencemaran minyak di laut akibat aktivitas eksplorasi dan transportasi minyak bumi merupakan masalah serius yang mengancam lingkungan. Bio-OSD berbahan surfaktan sawit dikembangkan sebagai solusi ramah lingkungan untuk menangani air laut yang tercemar hidrokarbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja produk Bio-OSD dalam mendispersi cemaran minyak bumi pada air laut dengan jenis medium crude oil. Metode penelitian melibatkan uji kinerja Bio-OSD meliputi uji pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), optical density (OD), chemichal oxygen demand (COD), ukuran droplet, dan total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), serta dilakukan analisis statistik untuk mengukur kinerja dispersan. Pengaplikasian Bio-OSD pada air laut tercemar hidrokarbon jenis medium crude oil dapat meningkatkan pH air, menurunkan kadar oksigen terlarut dalam air, meningkatkan kekeruhan, meningkatkan nilai COD, serta menurunkan ukuran droplet minyak. Selama 7 hari pengamatan, parameter pH, DO, OD, dan TPH mengalami penurunan, sedangkan nilai COD masih berfluktuasi. Perlakuan DOR terbaik adalah 0,5:1 dengan waktu tinggal 3 hari berdasarkan hasil pengujian kinerja dan uji statistik bahwa pada waktu tersebut menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan antara H0 dengan H3, namun tidak signifikan pada H0 dengan H7 maupun H3 dengan H7, sehingga waktu tinggal 3 hari diduga efektif pada minyak jenis ini. Perlakuan terbaik menghasilkan nilai pH 8,61, DO 1,28 mg/L, OD 0,076, dan COD 866 mg/L.
dc.description.abstractOil pollution in the sea due to oil exploration and transportation activities is a serious problem that threatens the environment. Bio-OSD made from palm-oil surfactant was developed as an environmentally friendly solution for treating hydrocarbon-polluted seawater. This research aims to determine the performance of the Bio-OSD product in dispersing petroleum contamination in sea water using a crude oil. The research method involved Bio-OSD performance tests including pH, dissolved oxygen, optical density, chemical oxygen demand, droplet size, and total petroleum hydrocarbon tests, as well as statistical analysis to measure dispersant performance. Application of Bio-OSD to sea water polluted with crude oil medium type hydrocarbons can increase the pH of the water, reduce dissolved oxygen levels in the water, increase turbidity, increase COD values, and reduce the size of oil droplets. During 7 days of observation, pH parameters, DO, OD, and TPH have decreased, while COD values are still fluctuating. The best DOR treatment is 0.5:1 with a residence time of 3 days based on the results of performance testing and statistical tests that at that time showed significant results between H0 and H3, but not significant for H0 and H7 or H3 and H7, so the residence time is 3 days are thought to be effective on this type of oil. The best treatment produced a pH value of 8.61, DO 1.28 mg/L, OD 0.076, and COD 866 mg/L.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAplikasi Bio-Oil Spill Dispersant pada Perairan Tercemar Hidrokarbon Jenis Medium Crude Oilid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Bio-Oil Spill Dispersant in Hydrocarbon Polluted Waters with Medium Crude Oil
dc.subject.keywordoil spillid

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