Audit Energi Pada Sub-Unit Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sampah Cikabayan IPB University, Bogor
IPB sebagai kampus yang mendukung program green energy perlu
memperhatikan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang dihasilkan dalam lingkungan
kampus IPB Darmaga agar efektif dan effisien dan melihat potensinya untuk
dikonversi sebagai sumber energi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan audit
energi untuk mengetahui konsumsi energi tiap sub-unit pengelolaan sampah dan
melakukan analisis potensi sampah tersebut sebagai sumber energi bagi operasional
TPA sampah dalam kampus IPB Darmaga di Cikabayan. Audit dilakukan dua tahap,
yaitu audit energi awal dan audit energi rinci. Audit dilakukan terhadap sub-unit
rumah kompos, eco-incinerator, serta kantor pengelola.
Hasil audit selama periode 6-16 Juni 2023 dan 7-25 Oktober 2023,
menunjukkan jumlah sampah yang diterima TPA Cikabayan rata-rata per hari
adalah 4 m3
sampah organik dan 401,92 kg sampah anorganik. Untuk mengolah
sampah tersebut dibutuhkan energi dari bahan bakar solar (untuk pengolahan
sampah organik menjadi kompos) sebesar 938 MJ atau 63% dari total kebutuhan
energi, energi listrik (untuk seluruh kegiatan) sebesar 450 MJ atau 30% dari total
kebutuhan energi, dan energi manusia sebesar 112,3 MJ (7%). Pengolahan sampah
organik menjadi kompos membutuhkan energi sebesar 0,172 MJ/kg sampah
organik per hari, sedangkan pengolahan sampah anorganik pada unit eco-incinerator membutuhkan energi sebesar 0,236 MJ/kg sampah anorganik.
Pengolahan sampah anorganik dengan rata-rata 208,9 kg/hari berpotensi
menghasilkan energi listrik 246,72 kWh/hari melalui penerapan teknologi
insenerasi. Energi tersebut mampu memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik di TPA
Cikabayan (63,42 kWh/hari). Efisiensi penggunaan energi dapat dilakukan dengan
mengatur penggunaan kipas angin hanya pada siang hari pukul 12.00-15.00
sehingga menghemat energi listrik sebesar 42,86%. IPB as a campus that supports green energy programs, needs to pay attention
to the waste management system within the IPB Darmaga campus to ensure it is
effective and efficient and to explore its potential to be converted into an energy
source. This research aims to conduct an energy audit to determine the energy
consumption of each sub-unit involved in waste management and to analyze the
potential of this waste as an energy source for the operations of the IPB Darmaga
waste utilization in Cikabayan. The audit was conducted in two stages, they were
preliminary energy audit and detailed energy audit. The audit was carried out on the
compost house sub-unit, eco-incinerator, and the office.
The results of the audit which was conducted from June 6-16, 2023, and
October 7-25, 2023, shows that the average daily waste received by the Cikabayan
sub-unit IPB University was 4 m³ of organic waste and 401,92 kg of inorganic waste.
Energy required to process the waste, was fulfilled by diesel oil (for processing
organic waste into compost) 938 MJ or 63% of the total energy required, electricity
(for all activities) 450 MJ or 30% of the total energy required, and human energy
112,3 MJ (7%). Processing organic waste into compost requires 0,172 MJ/kg of
organic waste per day. In comparison, the processing of inorganic waste in the eco incinerator unit requires 0,236 MJ/kg of inorganic waste. Utilization of inorganic
waste at an average of 208.9 kg/day is potential to generate 246,72 kWh/day of
electricity through incineration technology. This energy can meet the daily electrical
energy needs at the Cikabayan (63,42 kWh/day). Energy efficiency can be achieved
by limiting the fans usages during the day only from 12:00 a.m to 3:00p.m, thereby
will be saving about 42,86% of usually electricity requirement.