Penentuan Umur Simpan Mi Sagu Basah dan Pendugaan Umur Simpan Bumbu Pasta di Pondok Sagu Metro
MIRSA ARMANA. Penentuan Umur Simpan Mi Sagu Basah dan Pendugaan Umur
Simpan Bumbu Pasta di Pondok Sagu Metro. Dibimbing oleh INDAH YULIASIH dan
Pondok Sagu Metro memproduksi mi sagu basah, mi sagu kering dan bumbu pasta
yang belum diketahui umur simpannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui umur simpan
mi sagu basah dan bumbu pasta. Penentuan umur simpan mi sagu basah menggunakan
metode Extended Storage Studies (ESS) dengan jenis kemasan (plastik vakum emboss
dan plastik vakum polos) pada penyimpanan yang berbeda yaitu chiller suhu 2-8°C dan
inkubator suhu 25°C, dengan parameter yang dianalisis kadar air dan Total Plate Count
(TPC), sedangkan pendugaan umur simpan bumbu pasta dalam kemasan PP 0,03 mm
menggunakan metode Accelerated Shelf-life Testing (ASLT) dengan persamaan
Arrhenius, disimpan pada suhu 25, 35, dan 45°C, dengan parameter yang dianalisis kadar
air dan kadar asam lemak bebas (FFA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan
suhu (chiller dan ruang) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar air mi sagu basah. Namun,
perbedaan jenis kemasan (plastik vakum emboss dan plastik vakum polos) tidak
memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar air mi sagu basah. Selain itu, perbedaan
suhu (25°C, 35°C, dan 45°C) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar air dan kadar
FFA pada bumbu pasta. Umur simpan mi sagu basah berdasarkan parameter kritis yaitu
Total Plate Count (TPC) adalah 7 hari di suhu chiller dan 5 hari di suhu ruang. Sedangkan
umur simpan bumbu pasta berdasarkan parameter kritis yaitu kadar asam lemak bebas
(FFA) pada suhu ruang adalah 9,84 bulan.
Kata kunci: arrhenius, bumbu pasta, extended storage studies (ESS), mi sagu basah ABSTRACT
MIRSA ARMANA. Determination of Shelf Life of Wet Sago Noodles and
Estimation of Shelf Life of Pasta Seasoning at Pondok Sagu Metro.
Pondok Sagu Metro produces wet sago noodles, dry sago noodles and
pasta seasonings whose shelf life is unknown. This study aims to determine
the shelf life of wet sago noodles and pasta seasonings. Determination of the
shelf life of wet sago noodles using the Extended Storage Studies (ESS)
method with different types of packaging (embossed vacuum plastic and plain
vacuum plastic) in different storage, namely a chiller at a temperature of 2-
8°C and an incubator at a temperature of 25°C, with the parameters analyzed
being water content and Total Plate Count (TPC), while the estimation of the
shelf life of pasta seasonings in 0,03 mm PP packaging using the Accelerated
Shelf-life Testing (ASLT) method with the Arrhenius equation, stored at
temperatures of 25, 35, and 45°C, with the parameters analyzed being water
content and free fatty acid (FFA) content. The results showed that differences
in temperature (chiller and room) had a significant effect on the water content
of wet sago noodles. However, differences in packaging types (embossed
vacuum plastic and plain vacuum plastic) did not have a significant effect on
the water content of wet sago noodles. In addition, the temperature difference
(25°C, 35°C, and 45°C) did not significantly affect the water content and FFA
content in the pasta seasoning. The shelf life of wet sago noodles based on
the critical parameter, namely Total Plate Count (TPC), was 7 days at chiller
temperature and 5 days at room temperature. While the shelf life of pasta
seasoning based on the critical parameter, namely free fatty acid (FFA)
content at room temperature was 9,84 months.
Keywords: arrhenius, extended storage studies (ESS), pasta seasoning, wet
sago noodles