Rancangan Pendirian dan Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Produksi Alat Pengangkat Tandan Buah Segar Kelapa Sawit (Truck-Weight-Based Lifter)
Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) merupakan komoditas ekspor terbesar Indonesia. Dalam proses panennya, dilakukan pengangkatan tandan buah segar (TBS) ke atas truk secara manual yang berdampak buruk bagi pekerja dan TBS itu sendiri. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dibuat alat pengangkat TBS kelapa sawit bernama Truck-Weight-Based Lifter (TWB Lifter). Alat ini telah diuji dan memiliki banyak keunggulan, namun belum memiliki bengkel produksi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan rancangan pendirian usaha dan analisis kelayakan usaha dari TWB Lifter. Berdasarkan rancangan yang telah dilakukan, pabrik produksi TWB Lifter membutuhkan lahan seluas 162 m2 atau 18 m x 9 m. Usaha ini dijalankan oleh 1 pemilik usaha dan 4 tenaga kerja. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan nilai kebutuhan pasar TWB Lifter di Pulau Jawa sebanyak 360 unit dan kapasitas pabrik produksi 156 unit/tahun sementara jumlah unit yang dapat dijual dalam setahun adalah 72 unit. Berdasarkan analisis kelayakan finansial, usaha produksi TWB Lifter layak dijalankan dengan harga jual Rp14.600.000 yang menghasilkan nilai NPV Rp491.568.413, net B/C 5,813, gross B/C 1,057, dan IRR 77,93%. Sedangkan hasil analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan usaha ini tidak layak dijalankan jika profit 5%, harga bahan baku dan gaji pekerja naik 5% ditetapkan bersamaan.
Kata Kunci: analisis kelayakan, rancangan, TWB Lifter. Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is Indonesia's largest export commodity. In the harvesting process, fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) are manually lifted onto trucks, which has a negative impact on workers and the FFBs themselves. To overcome this problem, an oil palm FFB lifting tool called Truck-Weight-Based Lifter (TWB Lifter) was made. This tool has been tested and has many advantages, but does not yet have a production workshop. Therefore, it is necessary to design a business establishment and analyze the business feasibility of the TWB Lifter. Based on the design that has been done, the TWB Lifter production plant requires an area of 162 m2 or 18 m x 9 m. This business is run by 1 business owner and 4 workers. Then from the analysis that has been done, the value of the business establishment is obtained. Then from the analysis that has been carried out, it is obtained that the value of the TWB Lifter market demand in Java is 360 units and the production plant capacity is 156 units / year while the number of units that can be sold in a year is 72 units. Based on the financial feasibility analysis, the TWB Lifter production business is feasible with a selling price of IDR 14.600.000 which results in an NPV value of IDR 491.568.413, net B / C 5,813, gross B / C 1,057, and IRR 77,93%. Meanwhile, the results of the sensitivity analysis show that this business is not feasible if 5% profit, raw material prices and worker salaries increase by 5% are applied together.
Keywords: feasibility analysis, design, TWB Lifter.