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dc.contributor.advisorKrisnatuti, Diah
dc.contributor.authorAzhari, Andini
dc.description.abstractKomunikasi keluarga dan kelekatan teman sebaya memiliki peranan penting dalam karakter remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik remaja, keluarga, komunikasi keluarga, kelekatan teman sebaya, dan karakter remaja. Penelitian melibatkan 120 remaja kelas 11 SMA berusia 16-17 tahun di Kota Bogor dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional dan metode self-report untuk pengisian kuesioner. Komunikasi keluarga dengan remaja dikategorikan sedang. Kelekatan remaja dengan teman sebaya adalah positif. Remaja perempuan lebih baik kelekatannya dengan teman sebaya dibandingkan remaja laki-laki. Karakter remaja dikategorikan tinggi. Uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa lama pendidikan ibu, status bekerja ibu, dan uang saku bulanan berhubungan negatif dengan karakter remaja. Uji regresi menunjukkan lama pendidikan ibu berpengaruh negatif terhadap karakter remaja. Uji korelasi dan regresi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan dan pengaruh positif antara komunikasi keluarga dan kelekatan teman sebaya dengan karakter remaja. Hal tersebut berarti semakin baik komunikasi remaja dengan keluarga dan semakin lekat remaja dengan teman sebaya berpengaruh terhadap tingginya karakter remaja.
dc.description.abstractFamily communication and peer attachment has an important role in adolescent character. This study aims to analyze the influence of adolescent characteristics, family, family communication, peer attachment, and adolescent character. The study involved 120 11th grade high school adolescents aged 16-17 years old in Bogor City using a cross-sectional design and self-report method for questionnaire completion. Family communication with adolescents was categorized as moderate. Adolescents' attachment with peers was positive. Female adolescents were better attached to peers than male adolescents. Adolescent character was categorized as high. Correlation tests showed that mother's years of education, mother's working status, and monthly allowance were negatively associated with adolescent character. Regression tests showed that mother's years of education had a negative effect on adolescent character. Correlation and regression tests showed that there is a positive relationship and influence between family communication and peer attachment with adolescent character. This means that the better communication adolescents have with their families and the more attached adolescents are to their peers, the higher their character.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Komunikasi Keluarga dan Kelekatan Teman Sebaya terhadap Karakter Remajaid
dc.title.alternativeThe Effect of Family Communication and Peer Attachment on Adolescent Character
dc.subject.keywordKelekatan teman sebayaid

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