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dc.contributor.advisorAditia, Edit Lesa
dc.contributor.advisorBaihaqi, Muhamad
dc.contributor.authorIzzatullah, Muhammad Aflah Fauza
dc.description.abstractPerforma produksi dipengaruhi oleh konsumsi dan kualitas pakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh pemberian pakan sorinfer sebagai substitusi rumput dan konsentrat terhadap performa domba betina lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan 8 ekor domba yang dibagi menjadi 2 perlakuan. Perlakuan terdiri atas R1 = 70% konsentrat dan 30% rumput odot; dan R2 = 100% sorinfer. Variabel yang diukur adalah konsumsi as feed, konsumsi bahan kering, konsumsi protein kasar, konsumsi Total Digestible Nutrient, konversi ransum as feed, konversi BK, pertambahan bobot badan (PBB), pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH),bobot awal, bobot akhir, dan feed cost per gain (FCG). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai konsumsi as feed, konsumsi BK, konsumsi PK, konsumsi TDN, konversi pakan, PBB, PBBH, dan bobot akhir tidak berbeda nyata, hanya nilai FCG saja yang berbeda nyata. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah performa produksi kedua perlakuan sama baiknya, namun terdapat perbedaan pada nilai FCG, perlakuan R2 memiliki nilai FCG yang lebih rendah sehingga pakan sorinfer efektif untuk menjadi pakan substitusi.
dc.description.abstractSheep performance is influenced by consumption and quality of feed. This study aimed to examine the effect of feeding sorinfer as a substitute for grass and concentrate on the performance of local sheep. This study used 8 sheep which were divided into 2 treatments. The treatments consisted of R1 = 70% concentrate and 30% Dwarf Elephant Grass; and R2 = 100% sorinfer. Variables measured were feed consumption, dry matter (DM) consumption, crude protein (CP) consumption, Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) consumption, feed conversion, dry matter (DM) conversion, body weight gain (BWG), beginning weight, final body weight, and feed cost per gain (FCG). The results showed that feed consumption, DM consumption, CP consumption, TDN consumption, feed conversion, BWG, beginning weight, and final body weight were not significantly different between treatments, however, the FCG value was significantly different between treatments. The conclusion of this study is that the production performance of the two treatments is similar, however there is a difference in FCG value, R2 treatment has a lower of FCG value, so that sorinfer is effective to be as substitute for feed.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerforma Domba Induk Lokal dengan Pemberian Pakan Kombinasi Rumput Odot dan Konsentrat serta Sorinferid
dc.subject.keywordPerforma Dombaid

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