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dc.contributor.advisorKuncoro, Deasy Kartika Rahayu
dc.contributor.advisorWarsiki, Endang
dc.contributor.authorSuriyani, Lena
dc.description.abstractDistribusi daging yang efisien dan berkualitas tinggi sangat penting dalam industri pangan, namun sering menghadapi tantangan seperti kerusakan produk akibat perubahan suhu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan menganalisis biaya implementasi sistem monitoring kualitas daging dan label pintar indikator temperatur di PT XYZ. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan merancang struktur biaya yang digunakan untuk menghitung harga pokok produksi per kg daging serta biaya implementasi dalam distribusi produk daging, dilakukan juga analisis sensitivitas dan validasi hasil menggunakan perangkat lunak MATLAB. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa implementasi sistem monitoring suhu dan kualitas serta label pintar indikator temperatur membutuhkan penambahan biaya sebesar 0.65% dari harga daging Rp. 120.000/kg. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa parameter kapasitas daging dan kenaikan biaya varibel sebesar 30% berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga pokok produksi per kg daging. Validasi hasil menunjukkan hasil perhitungan yang sama dengan perhitungan menggunakan Ms. Excel. Implementasi sistem monitoring suhu dan kualitas serta label pintar indikator temperatur efektif dalam mengurangi permasalahan distribusi dan memberikan nilai tambah yang signifikan bagi perusahaan dalam hal pengendalian kualitas dan penghematan biaya jangka panjang.
dc.description.abstractEfficient and high-quality meat distribution is essential in the food industry, but often faces challenges such as product damage due to temperature changes. This study aims to design and analyze the cost of implementing a meat quality monitoring system and temperature indicator smart label at PT XYZ. This analysis is carried out by designing a cost structure that is used to calculate the cost of production per kg of meat as well as implementation costs in the distribution of meat products, sensitivity analysis and validation of results using MATLAB software. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the implementation of a temperature and quality monitoring system and temperature indicator smart label requires an additional cost of 0.65% of the meat price of Rp. 120,000/kg. Sensitivity analysis shows that the meat capacity parameter and a 30% increase in variable costs have a significant effect on the cost of production per kg of meat. Validation of the results showed the same calculation results as the calculation using Ms. Excel. Meanwhile, the cost of loss due to product returns caused by temperature reaches an average of IDR 226,634,000 per month. The implementation of a temperature and quality monitoring system, along with smart labels that indicate temperature, effectively reduces distribution problems and provides significant added value to the company. This value is realized through improved quality control and long-term cost savings.
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartemen Teknologi Industri Pertanian IPB University
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerancangan Biaya Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Daging dan Label Pintar di PT. XYZid
dc.title.alternativeImplementation Cost Design of Meat Quality Monitoring System Design and Smart Label at PT. XYZ
dc.subject.keywordInternet of Things (IoT)id
dc.subject.keywordImplementation costid
dc.subject.keywordQuality monitoring systemid
dc.subject.keywordSmart labelid
dc.subject.keywordCost of loss returnid

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