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dc.contributor.advisorHelmi, Alfian
dc.contributor.authorPUTRI, MARITSA GAOZHAN
dc.description.abstractPerubahan iklim mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan intensitas dan frekuensi cuaca ekstrim, perubahan pola hujan, pengingkatan suhu air laut, dan terjadinya kekacauan musim angin. Dampak tersebut kemudian berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kerentanan rumah tangga nelayan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada 4 orang informan sedangkan pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner kepada 50 responden dengan teknik snowball. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan menggunakan microsoft excel 2019 dan rumus perhitungan LVI-IPCC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai keterpaparan pada RT01 sebesar 0,49 dan RT04 sebesar 0,57. Selanjutnya, nilai kapasitas adaptif RT01 sebesar 0,59 dan RT04 sebesar 0,55. Sementara itu, nilai sensitivitas pada RT01 sebesar 0,40 dan RT04 sebesar 0,42. Nilai komponen tersebut kemudian menghasilkan nilai indeks kerentanan rumah tangga nelayan dimana indeks kerentanan RT04 lebih tinggi dibandingkan RT01 dengan nilai -0,04 pada RT01 dan 0,09 pada RT04. Kata kunci: kerentanan, perubahan iklim, rumah tangga nelayan
dc.description.abstractClimate change has resulted in an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather, changes in rainfall patterns, increased sea temperatures, and chaotic wind seasons. These impacts then affect the level of vulnerability of fishing households. This research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach was conducted through observation and in-depth interviews with 4 informants, while the quantitative approach was conducted using a questionnaire to 50 respondents using the snowball technique. Data processing and analysis techniques were carried out using Microsoft Excel 2019 and the LVI-IPCC calculation formula. The results showed that the exposure value at RT01 was 0.49 and RT04 was 0.57. Furthermore, the adaptive capacity value of RT01 was 0.59 and RT04 was 0.55. Meanwhile, the sensitivity value at RT01 was 0.40 and RT04 was 0.42. The component values then produced the value of the vulnerability index of fishing households where the vulnerability index of RT04 was higher than RT01 with a value of -0.04 in RT01 and 0.09 in RT04. Keywords: climate change, fisher households, vulnerability
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Tingkat Kerentanan Rumah Tangga Nelayan dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim : Kasus: Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu Selatan, DKI Jakartaid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis the Level of Vulnerability of Fishermen Households in Response to Climate Change: Case of Pari Island, South Seribu Islands, DKI Jakarta.
dc.subject.keywordclimate changeid
dc.subject.keywordLivelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI)id
dc.subject.keywordfisher householdid

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