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dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng Hari
dc.contributor.advisorImron, Mohammad
dc.contributor.advisorWiyono, Eko Sri
dc.contributor.advisorNovita, Yopi
dc.contributor.authorSetianto, Tri
dc.description.abstractSistem sertifikasi Kompetensi pelaut perikanan di Indonesia mengacu pada peraturan International Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personel (STCW-F) 1995 dengan dikeluarkannya Perpres No.19 Tahun 2019. Dominasi ukuran kapal dibawah 24 m (non-konvensi) yang ada membutuhkan pengaturan oleh Pemerintah. Peraturan terkait sertifikasi pelaut perikanan non-konvensi saat ini belum berjalan dengan baik, memunculkan permasalahan-permasalahan pada implementasinya. Implementasi kebijakan sistem sertifikasi pelaut perikanan di Indonesia dapat diperkuat dan dipercepat efektifitasnya, dengan mengadakan penelitian. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi peraturan nasional relevansinya dengan STCW-F, mengevaluasi kualitas kompetensi Nakhoda dan Perwira (level manajemen) pada kapal perikanan, dan menyusun model konseptual sistem sertifikasi pelaut perikanan non-konvensi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Soft System Methodology (SSM) untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan kompleks secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui pemahaman terhadap situasi permasalahan yang tidak terstruktur dan merumuskan permasalahan tersebut. Identifikasi masalah diperoleh dari hasil analisis isi peraturan tingkat daerah dan nasional yang berkaitan dengan implementasi STCW-F dan hasil pengukuran gap kualitas kompetensi nakhoda dan anak buah kapal (ABK) berdasarkan awareness, tingkat pendidikan, pengetahuan, motivasi peningkatan keterampilan sesuai sertifikat kepelautan yang dimiliki awak kapal, dan pembinaan sesuai standar STCW-F. Setelah melakukan formulasi masalah, dilakukan perumusan model konseptual sistem sertifikasi kompetensi pelaut perikanan non-konvensi oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Hasil akhir dari model konseptual yaitu formulasi pengembangan diklat bagi Nakhoda (management level), Perwira (operational level) dan kelasi (supporting level) untuk kapal-kapal perikanan non-konvensi. Hasil penelitian ini didasarkan pada peraturan teknis sistem sertifikasi pelaut perikanan non konvensi. Indonesia telah mengatur secara teknis sistem sertifikasi pelaut perikanan non-konvensi melalui Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 33 Tahun 2021 yang mengacu STCW-F 1995. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Jawa Tengah terhadap kesiapan implementasi Permen KP No 33 Tahun 2021 dinyatakan masih kurang yaitu di bawah 50%, belum siapnya pelaksanaan peraturan pada masing-masing pelabuhan. Hasil evaluasi kompetensi pelaut perikanan di Jawa Tengah masih rendah. Rerata kualitas kompetensi pelaut pukat cincin non-konvensi di Jawa Tengah masih rendah, dibuktikan dengan score gap kepemilikan sertifikat di atas 0,5 yakni 0,67 artinya rata-rata masih di atas 50%, pelaut perikanan di Jawa Tengah belum memenuhi persyaratan kepemilikan sertifikat kompetensi sesuai Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 33 Tahun 2021. Untuk memperkuat sistem sertifikasi kompetensi pelaut perikanan non-konvensi di Indonesia, maka dirumuskanlah model konseptual yang menghasilkan 5 model: (1) Sistem sosialisasi peraturan oleh regulator kepada pemilik kapal non-konvensi secara masif baik offline maupun online dan membangun sistem monitoring kualitas pelaut perikanan non-konvensi dengan cara membuat data base kualitas awak kapal perikanan non-konvensi di masing-masing Pelabuhan Perikanan, (2) Peningkatan kualitas pelaut perikanan non-konvensi dengan perbaikan sistem proses mendapatkan sertifikasi dengan cara yang tepat dan terukur, biaya terjangkau, mudah, dan cepat, dengan sistem online dan uji kompetensi di lokasi tempat kerja, (3) Penegakan hukum, dengan cara tidak memberikan izin berlayar bagi kapal yang Nakhoda dan Perwira kapalnya tidak memenuhi persyaratan sertifikasi awak kapal perikanan sesuai PERMEN KP No. 33/2021. (4) Meningkatkan awareness tentang sertifikasi bagi perusahaan (5) Penambahan sertifikat kompetensi keahlian maupun sertifikat kompetensi keterampilan yang dipersyaratkan di kapal perikanan non-konvensi bagi siswa SMK. Berdasarkan perbandingan model konseptual dengan real world dihasilkan beberapa strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam memberikan jaminan terhadap implementasi sertifikasi kompetensi pelaut perikanan. Strategi tersebut adalah peningkatan sosialisasi Permen secara masif baik offline maupun online, memberikan sanksi yang tegas kepada kapal yang dinahkodai oleh pemilik sertifikat kapal yang tidak memenuhi syarat program sertifikasi yang murah dan mudah serta subsidi bagi yang membutuhkan, memberikan pinjaman dana kepada Perwira yang bekerja di perusahaan guna pengadaan sertifikasi kompetensi sesuai persyaratan, menambahkan program kurikulum untuk kapal non-konvensi dan SMK dapat bekerjasama dengan BPPP dalam penyelenggaraan sertifikasi kompetensi pelaut perikanan non-konvensi.
dc.description.abstractThe competency certification system for fishing seafarers in Indonesia refers to the 1995 International Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (STCW-F) regulations with the issuance of Presidential Decree No.19 of 2019. The existing dominance of ship sizes under 24 m (non-convention) requires regulation by the Government. Regulations related to certification of non-convention fishing seafarers are currently not working well, giving rise to problems in their implementation. The implementation of the fisheries sailor certification system policy in Indonesia can be strengthened and accelerate its effectiveness by conducting research. The research aims to identify national regulations relevant to STCW-F, evaluate the quality of competence of captains and officers (management level) on fishing vessels, and develop a conceptual model of the certification system non-conventional fishing seafarers. The research was conducted using a Soft System Methodology (SSM) approach by analyzing the content of regional and national regulations related to the implementation of STCW-F, measuring gaps in the quality of competence of captains and officer such as awareness, level of education, knowledge, motivation to improve the skills of fishing crew members are related to the seafaring certificates held by the crew members and their training according to STCW-F standards. Formulate a conceptual model of a competency certification system for non-convention fisheries seafarers by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia so that a training development formulation can be obtained for Master (management level), officers (operational level), and seafarers (supporting level) for non-convention fishing vessels. Indonesia has technically regulated a non-convention fishery seafarer certification system through the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation number 33 of 2021, which refers to STCW F 1995. The results of a survey in Central Java regarding readiness to implement Ministerial Regulation No. 33 of 2021 were stated to be still insufficient, namely below 50% yet readiness to implement regulations at each port. The results of evaluating the competency of fisheries seafarers in Central Java are still low. The average quality of competency of non-conventional purse seiner seafarers in Central Java is still low, as evidenced by the certificate ownership gap score of above 0.5, namely 0.67, meaning that on average, more than 50% of fishing seafarers in Central Java have not met the requirements for ownership of a competency certificate. In accordance with Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation number 33 of 2021 To strengthen the competency certification system for non-convention fishery seafarers in Indonesia, a Conceptual Model was formulated which produces five models: (1) a system of disseminating regulations by regulators to non-convention ship owners on a massive scale both offline and online and building a monitoring system for the quality of non-convention fishery seafarers by creating a database on the quality of non-convention fishing vessel crews at each fishing port, (2) improving the quality of non-convention fishing seafarers by improving the process system for obtaining certification in a precise and measurable way, at an affordable cost, easily and quickly, by online systems and competency tests at workplace locations (3) law enforcement, by not granting sailing permits to ships whose captains and officers do not meet the certification requirements for fishing vessel crews in accordance with Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Affairs Regulations No. 33/2021. (4) increasing awareness about certification for companies (5) adding skills competency certificates and skills competency certificates required on non-convention fishing vessels for vocational students. Based on a comparison of the conceptual model with the real world, several strategies can be implemented to provide guarantees for the implementation of fisheries seafarer competency certification. The strategy is to increase massive socialization of the candy both offline and online, provide strict sanctions to ships captained by ship certificate owners who do not meet the requirements, a cheap and easy certification program and subsidies for those who need it, provide financial loans to officers who work at the company in order to provide competency certification according to requirements, add a curriculum program for non-convention vessels and vocational schools can collaborate with Fisheries extention and training center in organizing competency certification for non-convention fisheries seafarer.
dc.description.sponsorshipKementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi RI pada program hibah penelitian Disertasi Doktor Tahun 2022
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleModel Konseptual Sistem Sertifikasi Pelaut Perikanan Non Konvensi (Studi Kasus: Kapal Pukat Cincin 31-100 GT di Jawa Tengah)id
dc.subject.keywordpelaut perikananid
dc.subject.keywordsertifikasi kompetensiid
dc.subject.keywordSTCW Fid
dc.subject.keywordnon convention
dc.subject.keywordfisheries seafarer
dc.subject.keywordcompetency certification

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