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dc.contributor.advisorHerodian, Sam
dc.contributor.advisorAisyah, Lies
dc.contributor.authorNurdi, Nasytasia Nindya
dc.description.abstractMesin diesel masih banyak digunakan pada berbagai sektor seperti transportasi, industri, dan pertanian dikarenakan berbagai keunggulannya. Perkembangan jumlah penduduk hingga kebutuhan manusia pun berbanding lurus dengan penggunaan mesin diesel dimana hal tersebut menjadi penyebab masalah pencemaran udara yang semakin meningkat. Penambahan oksigen pada bahan bakar dengan menggunakan Ultra Fine Bubble serta penambahan oksigen ke katup intake berpotensi meningkatkan efektivitas pembakaran pada mesin diesel karena kandungan oksigen yang menjadikan reaksi pembakaran menjadi sempurna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan hasil performa serta emisi pada bahan bakar B0 dan B35 setelah dilakukan dua perlakuan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan dilakukan dua pengujian, yaitu uji karakteristik bahan bakar dan uji kinerja. Kedua perlakuan menghasilkan performa yang meningkat dan kandungan emisi CO, SO2, NOx, dan HC yang menurun. Perlakuan penambahan oksigen ke katup intake lebih efektif daripada penambahan oksigen ke bahan bakar.
dc.description.abstractDiesel engines are still widely used in various sectors such as transportation, industry, and agriculture due to their various advantages. The development of the population to human needs is directly proportional to the use of diesel engines which is the cause of the increasing air pollution problem. The addition of oxygen to the fuel using Ultra Fine Bubble and the addition of oxygen to the intake valve has the potential to increase the effectiveness of combustion in diesel engines due to the oxygen content which makes the combustion reaction perfect. This study aims to determine and compare the results of performance and emissions on B0 and B35 fuels after the two treatments. The research was conducted using the experimental method and two tests were carried out, namely the fuel characteristics test and the performance test. Both treatments resulted in increased performance and decreased CO, SO2, NOx, and HC emission content. The treatment of adding oxygen to the intake valve is more effective than adding oxygen to the fuel.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Penambahan Oksigen pada Bahan Bakar dan Intake Mesin terhadap Performa dan Emisi Gas Buang Mesin Dieselid
dc.subject.keywordExhaust Gas Emissionsid
dc.subject.keywordDiesel Engineid
dc.subject.keywordOxygen Additionid
dc.subject.keywordUltra Fine Bubbleid

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